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#Initialize 7zip
if (-not (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {throw "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe needed"}
set-alias 7zip "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"

#this is a placeholder, $TXTFile would be the result of an iteration over a previous Item array
$TXTFile = Get-Item -Path "C:\Folder1\Folder1-a\File2.txt"

#Now there comes 3 different ways to select the 7z file in the same directory as File2.txt

# I use this to modify the path name so square brackets are properly escaped
$directory1 =$TXTFile.DirectoryName -replace "\[","`````[" -replace "\]","`````]"
[array]$7ZFile1 = Get-ChildItem -File -Path "$directory1\*.7z"

# This option uses LiteralPath so no modification is needed.
# More convenient since it supports any kind of special character in the name.
[array]$7ZFile2= Get-ChildItem -File -LiteralPath $directory2 -Filter *.7z

# This option uses LiteralPath so no modification is needed.
# More convenient since it supports any kind of special character in the name.
[array]$7ZFile3 = Get-ChildItem -File -LiteralPath $directory3 | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".7z"}

#Lets see each item. They all seem equal
Write-Host "`n"

#Lets see how they have he same FullName
Write-Host $7ZFile1.FullName
Write-Host $7ZFile2.FullName
Write-Host $7ZFile3.FullName
Write-Host "`n"

#Lets compare them using -eq. Damn, they are not equal
if($7ZFile1 -eq $7ZFile2){"7ZFile1=7ZFile2"}Else{"7ZFile1!=7ZFile2"}
if($7ZFile2 -eq $7ZFile3){"7ZFile2=7ZFile3"}Else{"7ZFile2!=7ZFile3"}
if($7ZFile3 -eq $7ZFile1){"7ZFile3=7ZFile1"}Else{"7ZFile3!=7ZFile1"}
Write-Host "`n"

#This is relevant if we "stringify" each object. First one returns FullName, the two others return Name
Write-Host $7ZFile1
Write-Host $7ZFile2
Write-Host $7ZFile3
Write-Host "`n"

#Example of this being relevant. Inside File1.7z is a txt file. If you use 7zip por example like this:
7zip t $7ZFile1 *.txt -scrc     #Success
7zip t $7ZFile2 *.txt -scrc     #Fail, can't find 7ZFile2
7zip t $7ZFile3 *.txt -scrc     #Fail, can't find 7ZFile3



powershell filtering get-childitem

这是PS 5中的常见烦恼,其中get-childitem返回的字符串版本没有完整路径。在更高版本的PS中已更改。

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