
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

问题如下:给定定向加权图,起始节点,终止节点和数字k,请验证从起始节点到终止节点的路径是否存在长度至少为k的路径。这是我编写的代码,它是正确的,但仅在特定图中显示。例如,g1weights1如下:enter image description here

let weights1 = [(2,1,1);(2,1,3);(2,1,4);(1,1,5);(5,1,2);(5,1,6);(3,1,6);(6,1,7);(4,1,3)];;

let f1 = function
1 -> [5]
| 2 -> [1;3;4]
| 3 -> [6]
| 4 -> [3]
| 5 -> [2;6]
| 6 -> [7]
| _ -> [];;

type 'a graph = Graph of ('a -> 'a list);;
let g1 = Graph f1;;

let weights2 = [(1,3,2);(1,9,5);(2,2,3);(5,4,6);(3,1,6);(3,7,4);(6,2,7);(4,4,6);(6,1,2)];;

let f2 = function
1 -> [2;5]
| 2 -> [3]
| 3 -> [4;6]
| 4 -> [6]
| 5 -> [6]
| 6 -> [2;7]
| _ -> [];;

let g2 = Graph f2;; 

exception NotFound;;
exception Errore;;

(* Function that return the weight of an edge given 2 nodes*)
let rec get_k x y = function
    [] -> 0
    |(a,b,c)::rest -> if((a=x && c=y))then b else get_k x y rest;;

(* Function that calculate the total cost of a given path*)
let cost_of_path path weight = 
    let rec sum cost = function
        []->raise Errore
        |x::y::rest -> sum (cost + get_k x y weight) (y::rest)
in sum 0 path;;

(*this function print the list of the path*)
let rec printList = function [] -> print_newline()
    | x::rest -> print_int(x); print_string("; "); printList rest;;

(* Simple bfs function, return only 1 path that connect the start node to the final node*)
let bfs start last_node (Graph succ) =
    let extends path = printList path;
        List.map (function x -> x::path) (List.filter (function x -> not (List.mem x path)) (succ (List.hd path)))
        in let rec aux last_node = function
            [] -> raise Not_found 
            | path::rest -> 
                if (last_node = List.hd path) then List.rev path
                else aux last_node (rest @ (extends path))                     
in aux last_node [[start]];; 

let loghest_path start final_node k weight (Graph succ)=
    let extends path = printList path;
        List.map (function x -> x::path)(succ (List.hd path))    
        in let rec aux final_node = function
            [] -> raise NotFound 
            | path::rest -> 
                (*if the cost of this path is >= k and the last node is the final node, return that path.*)
                if ((cost_of_path (List.rev path) weight >= k) && (List.hd path == final_node)) then List.rev path 

                (*HERE IS THE ERROR: if the total weight of the singole path is >= k but the last node is not the final node,
                find a path that connect the last node of this path to the final node using bfs. It can happen that the path exists
                but it return "Not_Found".*)
                else if((cost_of_path (List.rev path) weight) >= k)
                then (List.rev (List.tl path)) @ bfs (List.hd path) (final_node) (Graph succ)

                (* If the weight is not yet k than extend the path and try another one in list 'rest' *)
                else aux final_node (rest @ (extends path))
in aux final_node [[start]];;

(*Function that calls the other function 'loghest_path' and print the result *)
let find_path start final_node k weigths (Graph succ)=
    let result = (loghest_path start final_node k weigths (Graph succ)) in 
    print_string("Final Path:"); printList result ;
    print_string("The weight is:"); print_int (cost_of_path result weigths); print_newline();;

并且使用weights1和g1执行我的代码是:enter image description here


let weights3 =[(1,1,2);(1,1,3);(1,1,4);(2,1,5);(2,1,6);(3,1,7);(3,1,8);(4,1,9);(4,1,10);(10,1,1)];;
let f3 = function
1 -> [2;3;4]
| 2 -> [5;6]
| 3 -> [7;8]
| 4 -> [9;10]
| 10 -> [1]
| _ -> [];;
let g3 = Graph f3;;

enter image description here

通过以下执行,我的代码失败:enter image description here


graph path ocaml breadth-first-search weighted


    else if((cost_of_path (List.rev path) weight) >= k)
    then (List.rev (List.tl path)) @ bfs (List.hd path) (final_node) (Graph succ)




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