[用Python进行解析器时的Shift / Reduce冲突

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我已经用sly(https://github.com/dabeaz/sly/)编写了一个解析器,但是它无缘无故地有两个shift / reduce冲突。我应该如何解决?


@_("NAME ASSIGN primary")
    def statement(self, p):
        self.variables[p[0]] = p[2]

    def statement(self, p):
        return p[0]

    @_("primary PLUS secundary")
    def primary(self, p):
        return p[0] + p[2]

    @_("primary MINUS secundary")
    def primary(self, p):
        return p[0] - p[2]

    def primary(self, p):
        return p[0]

    @_("secundary MULTIPLY tertiary")
    def secundary(self, p):
        return p[0] * p[2]

    @_("secundary FLOORDIV tertiary")
    def secundary(self, p):      
        return p[0] // p[2] 

    @_("secundary DIVIDE tertiary")
    def secundary(self, p):
        return p[0] / p[2]

    @_("secundary MOD tertiary")
    def secundary(self, p):
        return p[0] % p[2]

    def secundary(self, p):
        return p[0]

    @_("quaternary POWER tertiary")
    def tertiary(self, p):
        return p[0] ** p[2]

    def tertiary(self, p):
        return p[0]

    @_("tertiary quinary")   
    def quaternary(self, p):      
        return p[0] * p[1]

    def quaternary(self, p):
        return p[0]

    def quinary(self, p):
        return p[0]

    @_("LPAREN primary RPAREN")
    def quinary(self, p):
        return p[1]


state 27

    (12) tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .
    (14) quaternary -> tertiary . quinary
    (15) quinary -> . LPAREN primary RPAREN
    (16) quinary -> . INTEGER
  ! shift/reduce conflict for LPAREN resolved as shift
  ! shift/reduce conflict for INTEGER resolved as shift
    MOD             reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    DIVIDE          reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    FLOORDIV        reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    MULTIPLY        reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    MINUS           reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    PLUS            reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    $end            reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    RPAREN          reduce using rule 12 (tertiary -> quaternary POWER tertiary .)
    LPAREN          shift and go to state 8
    INTEGER         shift and go to state 9

    quinary                        shift and go to state 17



python parsing yacc ply

您的语法肯定是模棱两可的,因为可以将1 POWER 2 3解析为(1 POWER 2) * 31 POWER (2 * 3)。为了修正语法,您需要确定这两种解释中的哪一种是您想要的,然后更改语法以仅允许正确的解释。



  • (1)a2b => a * (2 POWER b)
  • (2)a2b => a POWER (2 * b)
  • ((3)a2b => (a POWER 2) * b



因此,我建议您接受解释(3)。语言设计的一项重要原则是,计算机难以消除歧义的事物通常也难以被人类消除歧义,因此通常最好避免使用困难的歧义消除规则。 (作为一个激励性的示例,请参见C ++中的所谓Most Vexing Parse。或者常见错误,这是许多C和C ++编译器发出警告的提示,建议在诸如a << n + 1之类的完美合法表达式中使用括号。)


# This version makes implicit multiplication bind more tightly
# than division. Otherwise, implicit multiplication would just be
# added to secondary.
@_("tertiary quaternary")   
def tertiary(self, p):      
    return p[0] * p[1]

def tertiary(self, p):
    return p[0]

@_("quinary POWER quaternary"
def quaternary(self, p):
    return p[0] ** p[2]

def quaternary(self, p):
    return p[0]
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