
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试使用 React 创建一个侧边栏。此侧边栏将显示帖子的标题,后跟标题和副标题列表(格式为 [标题] [子标题]、[标题2] [子标题2] 等...)。数据采用字典的形式。但是我无法找到如何使用映射函数来迭代字典中的特定键。


import React, {useState} from 'react'
import {DUMMY_POSTS} from '../data'
import Thumbnail1 from '../images/1.png'

const DUMMY_POST = [
      id: '1',
      thumbnail: Thumbnail1,
      headers:['Logo','Colors','Typography','Graphical Elements','Applications'],
                  ['Main Colors','Space Neutrals','Heading'],
                  ['Postcards','Accreditations','Ticket Packaging','Event Schedule']],

const PostDetail = () => {

  const [postDetails,setPostDetails] = useState(DUMMY_POST)

  return (
    <section className='PostDetails'>
      <div className="details__sidebar">
        {postDetails.map(({id,title}) => {
            return <div className="details__sidebar__container">
            <div className='details__sidebar__title'>
            </div> })}
            {postDetails.map(({headers,sub_headers}, index) => {
              return<div className="details__sidebar__headers" key = {index}>
              <ul><h4>{headers[index]}</h4> </ul> 
              <div className="details__sidebar__sub-headers">

          <div className='Post__Details'>
            Post Details
export default PostDetail

但是,这会创建一个仅包含第一个标头和第一个 sub_header 数组的列表


      Create an h3 element containing the postDetail's title
      For each header in postDetail's headers:
        Create a div with key as the index
            Create an h4 element containing the current header
            If the length of the corresponding sub_headers array is greater than 0:
                Create a ul element
                    For each subHeader in the corresponding sub_headers array:
                        Create an li element containing the current subHeader

最终结果应该是这样的:sidebar image

javascript html reactjs dictionary array.prototype.map

我根据你的伪代码写了一个返回语句。这里的主要要点是我有一个嵌套在 postDetail 的映射函数中的映射函数来迭代标题。您的第二个映射调用是迭代 postDetails 数组并使用该数组中的索引,而不是 headers 数组中的索引。由于 postDetails 长度为 1,因此无论有多少个标头,索引都不是来自标头数组。

    postDetails.map(detail => {
        return (
            {/* Create an h3 element containing the postDetail's title */}
            {/* For each header in postDetail's headers: */}
            {detail.headers.map((header, index) => {
                return (
                    {/* Create a div with key as the index */}
                    <div key={index}>
                        {/* Create an h4 element containing the current header */}
                        {/* If the length of the corresponding sub_headers array is greater than 0: */}
                        {(detail.sub_headers[index].length > 0) &&
                            {/* Create a ul element */}
                                {/* For each subHeader in the corresponding sub_headers array: */}
                                {detail.sub_headers[index].map(subHeader => {
                                    return (
                                        {/* Create an li element containing the current subHeader */}
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