
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经用selenium框架编写了黄瓜测试。当我的测试按顺序运行时,它们都通过了,但是当我并行运行时,它们失败了,因为所有测试都使用同一个用户,并且测试是登录应用程序,更改语言并验证语言,注销并重新登录验证该用户的语言是否持久。 问题是每个测试都是为了验证不同的语言。因此,测试 1 运行并在注销期间重新登录已运行的第二个测试,并且它更改了语言。由于语言不同,测试 1 失败。为此,我在网上读到,使用挂钩可能有助于在并行测试中按顺序运行测试场景。我确实实现了钩子,但它们仍然不起作用。不确定我这样做是否正确。


@Profile @VerifyLanguageSetPortugues
Scenario Outline: Profile tests(Verify App Languages selection Espanol)
Given "guest" user login to app "DARTTS" using "AppAuth"
Then I verify previous language setting is active from app title "<Current AppTitle>"
And I click on language "<Language>"
Then I verify selected language for "<Field1>" "<Field2>" "<Field3>"
And I logout and log back in
And I verify previous language setting is active from app title "<Previous AppTitle>"
When I click on user profile button
Then I should log out of Raven app

  | Language  | Current AppTitle  | Previous AppTitle       | Field1                                                                              | Field2                                                     | Field3                                      |
  | Português | Analyze           | Analisar | Clique no botão \"novo grupo de filtros\" para criar seu primeiro grupo de filtros. | Selecione um filtro para mostrar os resultados nesta tela. | Expandir explorar e tabular as estatísticas |

@Profile @VerifyLanguageSetEspanol
Scenario Outline: Profile tests(Verify App Languages selection Espanol)
Given "guest" user login to app "DARTTS" using "AppAuth"
Then I verify previous language setting is active from app title "<Current AppTitle>"
And I click on language "<Language>"
Then I verify selected language for "<Field1>" "<Field2>" "<Field3>"
And I logout and log back in
And I verify previous language setting is active from app title "<Previous AppTitle>"
When I click on user profile button
Then I should log out of Raven app

  | Language | Current AppTitle | Previous AppTitle       | Field1                                                                                  | Field2                                                                       | Field3                                                    |
  | Español  | Analyze          | Analizar | Haga clic en el botón \"nuevo grupo de filtros\" para crear su primer grupo de filtros. | Seleccione un grupo de filtros para mostrar los resultados en esta pantalla. | Ampliar la exploración y las estadísticas de las columnas |


public class Hooks {
@Before(order = 1, value = "@VerifyLanguageSetPortugues")
public void portuguesLangBeforeScenario() {
    System.out.println("This should run first");

@After(order = 1, value = "@VerifyLanguageSetPortugues")
public void portuguesLangAfterScenario() {
    System.out.println("This should end first");

@Before(order = 2,  value = "@VerifyLanguageSetEspanol")
public void espanolLangBeforeScenario() {
    System.out.println("This should run second");

@After(order = 2,  value = "@VerifyLanguageSetEspanol")
public void espanolLangAfterScenario() {
    System.out.println("This should end second");
    System.out.println("Espanol language is set to true");


11:01:59.545 [TestNG-PoolService-1] INFO  gov.dhs.ice.raven.resources.base - Detected Dartts scenario tag.
    11:02:05.474 [TestNG-PoolService-0] INFO  gov.dhs.ice.raven.resources.base - WebDriver setup is complete
    This should run first
    11:02:05.548 [TestNG-PoolService-1] INFO  gov.dhs.ice.raven.resources.base - WebDriver setup is complete
    This should run second
selenium-webdriver cucumber parallel-testing

当我的测试按顺序运行时,它们都通过了,但是当我并行运行时,它们失败了,因为所有测试都使用同一个用户,并且测试是登录应用程序,更改语言并验证语言,注销并重新登录来验证该用户的语言是否持久。问题是每个测试都是为了验证不同的语言。因此,测试 1 运行并在注销期间重新登录已运行的第二个测试,并且它更改了语言。由于语言不同,测试 1 失败。



  1. 不要并行运行
  2. 作为测试的一部分,为每个测试创建一个新用户。完成后删除它们。
  3. 手动创建几个新用户。然后使用对象池模式来确保每个用户一次被一个测试使用。
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