在由CreateObject(“ WScript.Shell”)创建的弹出消息框中插入新行

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checker = MessageTimeOut("Underlying raw data in the workbook has been updated." & vbNewLine & "This will close automatically.", "UPDATE RAW DATA - COMPLETED", 5) 


checker = MessageTimeOut("Underlying raw data in the workbook has been updated." & vbCrLf & "This will close automatically.", "UPDATE RAW DATA - COMPLETED", 5)


Function MessageTimeOut(str_message As String, str_title As String, int_seconds As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim Shell
    Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Shell.Run "mshta.exe vbscript:close(CreateObject(""WScript.shell"").Popup(""" & str_message & """," & int_seconds & ",""" & str_title & """))"
    MessageTimeOut = True
End Function

Sub Some_Sub()
    ' some lengthy code....
    Dim checker As Boolean
    checker = MessageTimeOut("Underlying raw data in the workbook has been updated. This will close automatically.", "UPDATE RAW DATA - COMPLETED", 5)
excel vba vbscript windows-scripting
Function MessageTimeOut(str_message As String, str_title As String, _ int_seconds As Integer) As Boolean Dim shell As Object Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") shell.Popup str_message, int_seconds, str_title, 64 MessageTimeOut = True End Function Sub Some_Sub() ' some lengthy code.... Dim checker As Boolean checker = MessageTimeOut( _ "Underlying raw data in the workbook has been updated. " & _ vbLf & vbLf & " This will close automatically.", _ "UPDATE RAW DATA - COMPLETED", 5) End Sub
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