使用as_retriever search_kwargs参数过滤langchain矢量数据库

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如何使用 as_retriever 函数中的 search_kwargs 参数过滤 langchain 矢量数据库? 这是一个例子来说明我想做的事情:

# Let´s say I have the following vector database db = {'3c3bc745': Document(page_content="This is my text A", metadata={'Field_1': 'S', 'Field_2': 'R'}), '14f84778': Document(page_content="This is my text B", metadata={'Field_1': 'S', 'Field_2': 'V'}), 'bd0022c9-449b': Document(page_content="This is my text C", metadata={'Field_1': 'Z', 'Field_2': 'V'})} # Filter the vector database retriever = db.as_retriever(search_kwargs={'filter': dict(Field_1='Z'), 'k': 1}) # Create the conversationnal chain chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.0, model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', deployment_id="chat"), retriever=retriever) chat_history = [] prompt = "Which sentences do you have ?" # Expect to get only "This is my text C" but I get also get the two other page_content elements chain({"question": prompt, "chat_history": chat_history})
information-retrieval langchain llm vector-database
如果您使用 Datastax Astra/Cassandra 作为 VectorDB,则类似于:

import cassio cassio.init(token=os.environ["ASTRA_DB_APPLICATION_TOKEN"], database_id=os.environ["ASTRA_DB_ID"]) from langchain.vectorstores.cassandra import Cassandra table_name = 'vs_investment_kb' keyspace = 'demo' CassVectorStore = Cassandra( session= cassio.config.resolve_session(), keyspace= keyspace, table_name= table_name, embedding=embedding_generator ) retrieverSim = CassVectorStore.as_retriever( search_type='similarity', search_kwargs={ 'k': 4, 'filter': {"source": file} }, ) # Create a "RetrievalQA" chain chainSim = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type( llm=llm, retriever=retrieverSim, chain_type_kwargs={ 'prompt': PROMPT, 'document_variable_name': 'summaries' } ) # Run it and print results responseSim = chainSim.run(QUERY) print(responseSim)


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