如何运行需要 40 分钟才能执行的 Firebase 云函数?

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我正在寻找一种解决方案来运行需要 40 分钟才能执行的函数。我在文档中看到 HTTP 函数最多可以运行 60 分钟。因此,我创建了一个函数“enqueue_task”,它创建了一个调用我的“长时间运行的函数”的 CloudTask。在模拟器中,我可以运行“enqueue_task”并且它可以工作,但是当我部署此函数时,我收到异常“400 Request contains an invalid argument”

from firebase_functions import firestore_fn, https_fn

# The Firebase Admin SDK to access Cloud Firestore.
from firebase_admin import initialize_app, firestore, functions
import google.cloud.firestore

# Dependencies for task queue functions.
from google.cloud import tasks_v2
# import requests
from firebase_functions.options import RetryConfig, RateLimits, SupportedRegion
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
import os, json
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import traceback

def enqueue_task(req: https_fn.Request) -> https_fn.Response:
    """Adds tasks to a Cloud Tasks queue."""

    credentials, _ = google.auth.default(
    print("service account:", credentials.service_account_email)

    # this is the URL of my long running task
    url = "https://addmessage-XXXXX-uc.a.run.app/addmessage?text=nodanoda44444"

    # Create a Cloud Tasks client.
    client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
    parent = client.queue_path(project=app.project_id, location="us-central1", queue="q-teste")

    task = {
        "http_request": {  # Specify the type of request.
            "http_method": tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
            "url": url,
            "oidc_token": {
                "service_account_email": credentials.service_account_email

    # Use the client to build and send the task.
        response = client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task)
        print(f"Created task {response.name}")
        return https_fn.Response(f"Created task {response.name}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error creating task {e}")
        return https_fn.Response(f"Error creating task ", status=400)

当我在模拟器中运行时,我可以调用长时间运行的函数,但部署的版本显示“400 请求包含无效参数”


response = client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task)

python firebase google-cloud-functions google-cloud-tasks


from google.oauth2 import service_account

encoded_cred = os.environ.get('ALT_ACCOUNT')
decoded_cred = base64.b64decode(encoded_cred)
alt_account = json.loads(decoded_cred.decode('utf-8'))
alt_credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(alt_account)


client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient(credentials=alt_credentials)
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