
问题描述 投票:2回答:2


var javascript = prompt("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = prompt("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = prompt ("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if(time === "no") {
   alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");
if ((javascript ==="yes" && time === "yes") && (docker === 'yes' && time ==='yes') ) {
   alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
else if (javascript === "yes" && docker === "yes") {
   if (time === "no") {
      alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
else if (javascript ==="yes" && time === "yes") {
   alert("go and learn javascript");
else if (time ==='no' && javascript === "yes") {
   alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
else if (docker === 'yes' && time ==='yes') {
   alert(' go n learn docker');
else if (time ==='no' && docker === "yes") {
   alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
else {
   alert('You are not from us');
javascript html if-statement conditional condition

我的第一个建议是使用true / false布尔值而不是检查字符串"yes""no"来帮助简化代码。我已经做了一个功能来帮助你转换它。它还处理如果有人输入"NO""yEs"会发生什么。


function promptToBoolean(txt) {
  return /yes/i.test(prompt(txt));

var javascript = promptToBoolean("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = promptToBoolean("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = promptToBoolean("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if (!time) {
  alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");

if (javascript && time && docker) {
  alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
} else if (javascript && docker && !time) {
  alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
} else if (javascript && time) {
  alert("go and learn javascript");
} else if (!time && javascript) {
  alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
} else if (docker && time) {
  alert('go n learn docker');
} else if (!time && docker) {
  alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
} else {
  alert('You are not from us');



if ((javascript ==="yes" && time === "yes") && (docker === 'yes' && time ==='yes') ) {


if (javascript && time && docker) {


} else if (javascript === "yes" && docker === "yes") {
    if (time === "no") {
        alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");


} else if (javascript && docker && !time) {
    alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");


if (time) {
  //Put everything in here where time is true
} else {
  //Put everything in here where time is false


function promptToBoolean(txt) {
  return /yes/i.test(prompt(txt));

var javascript = promptToBoolean("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = promptToBoolean("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = promptToBoolean("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if (time) {
  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("go and learn javascript");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert('go n learn docker');
} else {
  alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");

  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else {
    alert('You are not from us');



function promptToBoolean(txt) {
  return /yes/i.test(prompt(txt));

var javascript = promptToBoolean("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = promptToBoolean("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = promptToBoolean("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if (!time) {
  alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");

if (javascript && time && docker) {
  alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
} else if (javascript && docker && !time) {
  alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
} else if (javascript && time) {
  alert("go and learn javascript");
} else if (!time && javascript) {
  alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
} else if (docker && time) {
  alert('go n learn docker');
} else if (!time && docker) {
  alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
} else {
  alert('You are not from us');

function promptToBoolean(txt) {
  return /yes/i.test(prompt(txt));

var javascript = promptToBoolean("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = promptToBoolean("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = promptToBoolean("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if (time) {
  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("go and learn javascript");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert('go n learn docker');
} else {
  alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");

  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else {
    alert('You are not from us');

function promptToBoolean(txt) {
  return /yes/i.test(prompt(txt));

var javascript = promptToBoolean("Want to learn javascript? (Type yes or no)");
var docker = promptToBoolean("Want to learn docker? (Type yes or no)");
var time = promptToBoolean("do you have time ? (type yes or no)");

if (time) {
  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("keep patience first learn docker and then learn javascript");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("go and learn javascript");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert('go n learn docker');
} else {
  alert("Nobody is busy its just a matter of PRIORITIES");

  if (javascript && docker) {
    alert("so what should I do  if u don't have time ?");
  } else if (javascript) {
    alert("\"A smarter way to learn javascript\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else if (docker) {
    alert("\"Docker Deep Dive\" will solve your problem in less time ");
  } else {
    alert('You are not from us');
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