
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我正在尝试在公共子网上运行的EC2 AWS Linux 2计算机上安装ejabberd。我做了以下事情:

  1. [为EC2实例分配了弹性IP(
  2. 将此域分配给EIP-ejabberddev.strax.co
  3. 将计算机的主机名更改为ejabberddev.strax.co
  4. 已安装ejabberd。
  5. 我收到错误:

    20:55:32.313 [error] Failed to open socket at for mod_proxy65_stream: can't assign requested address
  6. ejabberd试图使用AWS弹性IP地址打开套接字-这将不起作用。

  7. [我进入ejabberd.yml文件,并添加了ip变量,以使ejabberd可以使用Mac机的AWS专用ip。

      access: local
      max_connections: 5
  8. 此修复程序和问题使ejabberd得以提出。

  9. 出于某种原因,我在安装时输入的用户是admin,而域ejabberddev.strax.co不在数据库中,所以我使用此命令输入了它。

    ejabberdctl register admin ejabberddev.strax.co admin
  10. 这似乎可行,因此我尝试使用这些凭据以及包含域http://ejabberddev.strax.co:5280/admin]的URL登录Web。

  11. 当我登录时发生以下错误:

    20:39:13.147 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.541.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:39:13.147 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.541.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:39:13.252 [info] (none) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54109 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:39:13.252 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.542.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:39:13.252 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.542.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:39:13.459 [info] (<0.543.0>) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54110 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:39:13.459 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.543.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:39:13.460 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.543.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:39:18.582 [info] (none) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54113 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:39:18.582 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.544.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:39:18.582 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.544.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:39:48.712 [info] (none) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54122 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:39:48.713 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.545.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:39:48.713 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.545.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:40:48.899 [info] (<0.547.0>) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54143 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:40:48.900 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.547.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:40:48.900 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.547.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
    20:45:49.083 [info] (none) Accepted connection [::ffff:]:54241 -> [::ffff:]:5280
    20:45:49.083 [error] CRASH REPORT Process <0.556.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860
    20:45:49.083 [error] Supervisor ejabberd_http_sup had child undefined started with {ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined} at <0.556.0> exit with reason bad argument in call to maps:from_list([html]) in ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers/2 line 860 in context child_terminated
  12. 不确定是什么错误。基于我什至无法安装ejabberd软件包并登录的事实,我认为使用AWS弹性IP时出现了问题。我尚未找到任何有关在AWS上安装ejabberd的文档-任何帮助将不胜感激。

    Tim McClure

我正在尝试在公共子网上运行的EC2 AWS Linux 2计算机上安装ejabberd。我执行了以下操作:为EC2实例分配了一个弹性IP(,将该域分配给......>

20:39:13.147 [错误]主管ejabberd_http_sup的孩子未定义在<0.541.0>出口处以{ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined}开头在调用maps中的原因参数错误:from_list([html])在ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers / 2行860

此错误是在实现其他功能时在ejabberd 20.02中引入的,目前仅在git中已修复:https://github.com/processone/ejabberd/commit/00abf5d42c9b9c979b7ac69758a8f6745744f929


xmpp ejabberd tls1.2

20:39:13.147 [错误]主管ejabberd_http_sup的孩子未定义在<0.541.0>出口处以{ejabberd_http,start_link,undefined}开头在调用maps中的原因参数错误:from_list([html])在ejabberd_http:apply_custom_headers / 2行860

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