R 闪亮更新列值到嵌套表上子行上的复选框控件值

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



        dat <- data.frame(
          Sr = c(1.5, 2.3),
          Description = c("A - B", "X - Y")
    ## details of row 1
subdat1 <- data.frame(
  Chromosome = c("chr18","chr4"),
  SNP = c("rs2","rs3"),
  YN = c(TRUE, FALSE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    shinyCheckbox <- function(id, values) {
      inputs <- character(length(values))
      for(i in seq_along(inputs)) {
        inputs[i] <- 
            checkboxInput(paste0(id, i), label = NULL, value = values[i], width = "20px")
    subdat1$check <- shinyCheckbox("check", subdat1$YN)
    ## details of row 2
    subdat2 <- data.frame(
      Chromosome = c("chr19","chr20"), 
      SNP = c("rs3","rs4"),
      YN = c(TRUE, FALSE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE

subdat2$check <- shinyCheckbox("check", subdat2$YN)
## merge the row details
subdats <- lapply(list(subdat1, subdat2), purrr::transpose)
## dataframe for the datatable
Dat <- cbind(" " = "&oplus;", dat, details = I(subdats))

## the callback
callback = JS(
  "$('[id^=check]').on('click', function(){",
  "  var id = this.getAttribute('id');",
  "  var i = parseInt(/check(\\d+)/.exec(id)[1]);",
  "  var value = $(this).prop('checked');",
  "  var cell = table.cell(i-1, 2).data(value).draw();",
  "table.column(1).nodes().to$().css({cursor: 'pointer'});",
  "// Format the nested table into another table",
  "var childId = function(d){",
  "  var tail = d.slice(2, d.length - 1);",
  "  return 'child_' + tail.join('_').replace(/[\\s|\\.|'|,|\\(|\\)]/g, '_');",
  "var format = function (d) {",
  "  if (d != null) {",
  "    var id = childId(d);",
  "    var html = ", 
  "          '<table class=\"display compact\" id=\"' + id + '\"><thead><tr>';",
  "    for (var key in d[d.length-1][0]) {",
  "      html += '<th>' + key + '</th>';",
  "    }",
  "    html += '</tr></thead></table>'",
  "    return html;",
  "  } else {",
  "    return '';",
  "  }",
  "var rowCallback = function(row, dat, displayNum, index){",
  "  if($(row).hasClass('odd')){",
  "    for(var j=0; j<dat.length; j++){",
  "      $('td:eq('+j+')', row).css('background-color', 'papayawhip');",
  "    }",
  "  } else {",
  "    for(var j=0; j<dat.length; j++){",
  "      $('td:eq('+j+')', row).css('background-color', 'lemonchiffon');",
  "    }",
  "  }",
  "var headerCallback = function(thead, data, start, end, display){",
  "  $('th', thead).css({",
  "    'border-top': '3px solid indigo',", 
  "    'color': 'indigo',",
  "    'background-color': '#fadadd'",
  "  });",
  "var format_datatable = function (d) {",
  "  var dataset = [];",
  "  var n = d.length - 1;",
  "  for (var i = 0; i < d[n].length; i++) {",
  "    var datarow = $.map(d[n][i], function (value, index) {",
  "      return [value];",
  "    });",
  "    dataset.push(datarow);",
  "  }",
  "  var id = 'table#' + childId(d);",
  "  var subtable = $(id).DataTable({",
  "                     'data': dataset,",
  "                     'autoWidth': true,",
  "                     'deferRender': true,",
  "                     'info': false,",
  "                     'lengthChange': false,",
  "                     'ordering': d[n].length > 1,",
  "                     'order': [],",
  "                     'paging': false,",
  "                     'scrollX': false,",
  "                     'scrollY': false,",
  "                     'searching': false,",
  "                     'sortClasses': false,",
  "                     'rowCallback': rowCallback,",
  "                     'headerCallback': headerCallback,",
  "                     'columnDefs': [{targets: '_all', className: 'dt-center'}]",
  "                   });",
  "table.on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {",
  "  var td = $(this),",
  "      row = table.row(td.closest('tr'));",
  "  if (row.child.isShown()) {",
  "    row.child.hide();",
  "    td.html('&oplus;');",
  "  } else {",
  "    row.child(format(row.data())).show();",
  "    td.html('&CircleMinus;');",
  "    format_datatable(row.data());",
  "  }",

## datatable

datatable(Dat, callback = callback, escape = FALSE,
          options = list(
            columnDefs = list(
              list(visible = FALSE, targets = ncol(Dat)),
              list(orderable = FALSE, className = 'details-control', targets = 1),
              list(className = "dt-center", targets = "_all")
            #preDrawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.unbindAll(this.api().table().node()); }'),
            #drawCallback = JS('function() { Shiny.bindAll(this.api().table().node()); } ')
javascript r shiny parent-child dt

shinyCheckbox <- function(id, values) {
  inputs <- character(length(values))
  for(i in seq_along(inputs)) {
    inputs[i] <- 
        checkboxInput(paste0(id, i), label = NULL, value = values[i], width = "20px")

NestedData <- function(dat, children){
  stopifnot(length(children) == nrow(dat))
  g <- function(d){
      purrr::transpose(NestedData(d[[1]], children = d$children))
  subdats <- lapply(children, g)
  oplus <- ifelse(lengths(subdats), "&oplus;", "") 
  cbind(" " = oplus, dat, "_details" = I(subdats), 
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dat <- data.frame(
  Sr = c(1.5, 2.3),
  Description = c("A - B", "X - Y")
## details of row 1
subdat1 <- data.frame(
  Chromosome = c("chr18","chr4"),
  SNP = c("rs2","rs3"),
  YN = c(TRUE, FALSE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
subdat1$check <- shinyCheckbox("check", subdat1$YN)

## details of row 2
subdat2 <- data.frame(
  Chromosome = c("chr19","chr20"), 
  SNP = c("rs3","rs4"),
  YN = c(TRUE, FALSE),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
subdat2$check <- shinyCheckbox("check", subdat2$YN)

Dat <- NestedData(dat, list(subdat1, subdat2))

## whether to show row names
rowNames = FALSE
colIdx <- as.integer(rowNames)

## the callback
parentRows <- which(Dat[,1] != "")
callback <- JS(
  sprintf("var parentRows = [%s];", toString(parentRows-1)),
  sprintf("var j0 = %d;", colIdx),
  "var nrows = table.rows().count();",
  "for(let i = 0; i < nrows; ++i){",
  "  var $cell = table.cell(i,j0).nodes().to$();",
  "  if(parentRows.indexOf(i) > -1){",
  "    $cell.css({cursor: 'pointer'});",
  "  }else{",
  "    $cell.removeClass('details-control');",
  "  }",
  "// --- make the table header of the nested table --- //",
  "var formatHeader = function(d, childId){",
  "  if(d !== null){",
  "    var html = ", 
  "      '<table class=\"display compact hover\" ' + ",
  "      'style=\"padding-left: 30px;\" id=\"' + childId + ", 
  "      '\"><thead><tr>';",
  "    var data = d[d.length-1] || d._details;",
  "    for(let key in data[0]){",
  "      html += '<th>' + key + '</th>';",
  "    }",
  "    html += '</tr></thead></table>'",
  "    return html;",
  "  } else {",
  "    return '';",
  "  }",
  "// --- row callback to style rows of child tables --- //",
  "var rowCallback = function(row, dat, displayNum, index){",
  "  if($(row).hasClass('odd')){",
  "    $(row).css('background-color', 'papayawhip');",
  "    $(row).hover(function(){",
  "      $(this).css('background-color', '#E6FF99');",
  "    }, function(){",
  "      $(this).css('background-color', 'papayawhip');",
  "    });",
  "  } else {",
  "    $(row).css('background-color', 'lemonchiffon');",
  "    $(row).hover(function(){",
  "      $(this).css('background-color', '#DDFF75');",
  "    }, function(){",
  "      $(this).css('background-color', 'lemonchiffon');",
  "    });",
  "  }",
  "// --- header callback to style header of child tables --- //",
  "var headerCallback = function(thead, data, start, end, display){",
  "  $('th', thead).css({",
  "    'border-top': '3px solid indigo',", 
  "    'color': 'indigo',",
  "    'background-color': '#fadadd'",
  "  });",
  "// --- make the datatable --- //",
  "var formatDatatable = function(d, childId){",
  "  var data = d[d.length-1] || d._details;",
  "  var colNames = Object.keys(data[0]);",
  "  var columns = colNames.map(function(x){",
  "    return {data: x.replace(/\\./g, '\\\\\\.'), title: x};",
  "  });",
  "  var id = 'table#' + childId;",
  "  var subtable;",
  "  if(colNames.indexOf('_details') === -1){",
  "    subtable = $(id).DataTable({",
  "      'data': data,",
  "      'columns': columns,",
  "      'autoWidth': true,",
  "      'deferRender': true,",
  "      'info': false,",
  "      'lengthChange': false,",
  "      'ordering': data.length > 1,",
  "      'order': [],",
  "      'paging': false,",
  "      'scrollX': false,",
  "      'scrollY': false,",
  "      'searching': false,",
  "      'sortClasses': false,",
  "      'rowCallback': rowCallback,",
  "      'headerCallback': headerCallback,",
  "      'columnDefs': [{targets: '_all', className: 'dt-center'}]",
  "    });",
  "  } else {",
  "    subtable = $(id).DataTable({",
  "      'data': data,",
  "      'columns': columns,",
  "      'autoWidth': true,",
  "      'deferRender': true,",
  "      'info': false,",
  "      'lengthChange': false,",
  "      'ordering': data.length > 1,",
  "      'order': [],",
  "      'paging': false,",
  "      'scrollX': false,",
  "      'scrollY': false,",
  "      'searching': false,",
  "      'sortClasses': false,",
  "      'rowCallback': rowCallback,",
  "      'headerCallback': headerCallback,",
  "      'columnDefs': [", 
  "        {targets: -1, visible: false},", 
  "        {targets: 0, orderable: false, className: 'details-control'},", 
  "        {targets: '_all', className: 'dt-center'}",
  "      ]",
  "    }).column(0).nodes().to$().css({cursor: 'pointer'});",
  "  $(id).on('click', '[id^=check]', function(){",
  "    var id = this.getAttribute('id');",
  "    var i = parseInt(/check(\\d+)/.exec(id)[1]);",
  "    var value = $(this).prop('checked');",
  "    subtable.cell(i-1, 2).data(value).draw();",
  "  });",
  "// --- display the child table on click --- //",
  "// array to store id's of already created child tables",
  "var children = [];", 
  "table.on('click', 'td.details-control', function(){",
  "  var tbl = $(this).closest('table'),",
  "      tblId = tbl.attr('id'),",
  "      td = $(this),",
  "      row = $(tbl).DataTable().row(td.closest('tr')),",
  "      rowIdx = row.index();",
  "  if(row.child.isShown()){",
  "    row.child.hide();",
  "    td.html('&oplus;');",
  "  } else {",
  "    var childId = tblId + '-child-' + rowIdx;",
  "    if(children.indexOf(childId) === -1){", 
  "      // this child has not been created yet",
  "      children.push(childId);",
  "      row.child(formatHeader(row.data(), childId)).show();",
  "      td.html('&CircleMinus;');",
  "      formatDatatable(row.data(), childId, rowIdx);",
  "    }else{",
  "      // this child has already been created",
  "      row.child(true);",
  "      td.html('&CircleMinus;');",
  "    }",
  "  }",

  callback = callback, rownames = rowNames, escape = -colIdx-1,
  options = list(
    paging = FALSE,
    searching = FALSE,
    columnDefs = list(
        visible = FALSE, 
        targets = ncol(Dat)-1+colIdx
        orderable = FALSE, 
        className = "details-control", 
        targets = colIdx
        className = "dt-center", 
        targets = "_all"
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