TypeError:CustomException 类型的对象不可 JSON 序列化

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

根据 Flask-restful 文档,它会对 Flask-RESTful 路由上发生的任何 400 或 500 错误调用 handle_error() 函数。因此,我尝试使用此回调来处理整个应用程序中的异常,认为它将利用我的应用程序中的多个 try catch 块。但是,当从模型引发自定义异常(ResourceNotFound)时会引发另一个异常

TypeError: Object of type ResourceNotFound is not JSON serializable

from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
from flask_restful import Api
class ExtendedAPI(Api):
    def handle_error(self, err):
        This class overrides 'handle_error' method of 'Api' class ,
        to extend global exception handing functionality of 'flask-restful'
        and helps preventing writing unnecessary
        try/except block though out the application
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        # Handle HTTPExceptions
        if isinstance(err, HTTPException):
            return jsonify({
                'message': getattr(
                    err, 'description', HTTP_STATUS_CODES.get(err.code, '')
            }), err.code
        if isinstance(err, ValidationError):
            resp = {
                'success': False,
                'errors': err.messages
            return jsonify(resp), 400
        # If msg attribute is not set,
        # consider it as Python core exception and
        # hide sensitive error info from end user
        # if not getattr(err, 'message', None):
        #     return jsonify({
        #         'message': 'Server has encountered some error'
        #     }), 500
        # Handle application specific custom exceptions
        return jsonify(**err.kwargs), err.http_status_code


class Error(Exception):
    """Base class for other exceptions"""
    def __init__(self, http_status_code: int, *args, **kwargs):
        # If the key `msg` is provided, provide the msg string
        # to Exception class in order to display
        # the msg while raising the exception
        self.http_status_code = http_status_code
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        msg = kwargs.get('msg', kwargs.get('message'))
        if msg:
            args = (msg,)
        self.args = list(args)
        for key in kwargs.keys():
            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

class ResourceNotFound(Error):
    """Should be raised in case any resource is not found in the DB"""

handle_error 函数处理 HTTPException、棉花糖验证错误和处理我的自定义异常的最后一条语句。 但是使用 pdb,我看到 handle_error() 收到的 err 对象与我从模型中引发的自定义异常不同。无法为此找出任何解决方案。关于解决这个问题的任何想法或我可以遵循的任何不同方法??

python flask flask-restful



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