线性回归输出的梯度下降全部收敛于 (0, 0) 附近

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我一直在尝试用 Python 实现我自己的梯度下降算法,但无法获得适合数据的输出。

class GradientDescent:
  def __init__(self,
               feature_data: list[float],
               response_data: list[float],
               initial_vector: list[float, float],
               learning_rate: float=0.001,
               iterations: int=20) -> None:
    Initialise GradientDescent class.

      feature_data (list[float]): A list of feature values for each data point.
      response_data (list[float]): A list of actual response values for each data point.
      initial_vector (list[float, float]): The initial starting point for the gradient descent. Vector is gradient and y-intercept.
      learning_rate (float): Factor determining how much to adjust the vector.
      iterations (int): Number of times to run the gradient descent algorithm.
    self.feature_data = feature_data
    self.response_data = response_data
    self.initial_vector = initial_vector
    self.learning_rate = learning_rate
    self.iterations = iterations

  def _partial_difference_quotient(self,
                                   vector: list[float, float],
                                   index: int,
                                   small_change: float=0.0001):
    Calculate the partial difference quotient for a specific element of the vector.

      vector (list[float, float]): The current vector representing model parameters.
      index (int): The index of the element in the vector for which to calculate the difference quotient.
      small_change (float): The small change applied to the specified element for estimating the gradient.
      float: The calculated partial difference quotient.
    modified_vector = vector.copy()
    modified_vector[index] += small_change
    return (self._cost(modified_vector) - self._cost(vector)) / small_change

  def _estimate_gradient(self, vector):
    Estimate the gradient of the cost function at a given vector.

      vector (list[float, float]): The current vector representing model parameters.
      list[float]: A list of gradient estimates for each element of the vector.
    gradient_estimates = []

    for i in range(len(vector)):
      gradient_estimates.append(self._partial_difference_quotient(vector, i))

    return gradient_estimates

  def _update_vector(self, vector: list[float, float]) -> list[float, float]:
    Update the vector using gradient descent.

      vector (list[float, float]): The current vector representing model parameters.
      list[float, float]: The updated vector after applying gradient descent.
    direction = self._estimate_gradient(vector)

    for i in range(len(vector)):
        vector[i] -= self.learning_rate * direction[i]

    return vector

  def _cost(self, vector: list[float, float]) -> float:
    Calculate the cost (loss) of a linear regression model's predictions.

    This function computes the cost, also known as the mean squared error, of a linear regression model's
    predictions compared to the actual response values, given the model parameters and the corresponding
    features and response data.

      vector (list[float, float]): A list representing the model parameters (gradient and y-intercept).
      float: The calculated cost (mean squared error) of the model's predictions.
    cost = 0

    for i, element in enumerate(self.response_data):
      error = element - vector[0] - vector[1] * self.feature_data[i]
      cost += error * error

    return cost / (2 * len(self.response_data))

  def compute_gradient_descent(self) -> tuple[float, list[float]]:
    Perform gradient descent to optimize the model parameters.

      tuple[float, list[float]]: A tuple containing the optimized vector of model parameters and a list of cost values during optimization.
    next_vector = self.initial_vector
    cost_values = [self._cost(next_vector)]

    for i in range(self.iterations):
      next_vector = self._update_vector(next_vector)

    return next_vector, cost_values


def main(runs: int=50, **kwargs: dict[str, float | int]) -> None:
  # Unpack keyword arguments
  learning_rate = kwargs.get("learning_rate", 0.0001)
  iterations = kwargs.get("iterations", 50)

  # Initialise lowest cost value at high value
  lowest_cost_value = 1_000_000

  # Perform gradient descent for each starting vector and draw the output line on the plot
  for i in range(runs):
    starting_vector = [randint(0, 1500)/100, randint(0, 1500)/100]
    gradient_descent = GradientDescent(
        feature_data=data["Exam Score"],
        response_data=data["Study Hours"],
    latest_vector, cost_values = gradient_descent.compute_gradient_descent()    

    if min(cost_values) < lowest_cost_value:
      lowest_cost_value = min(cost_values)
      lowest_cost_vector = latest_vector
      lowest_cost_starting_vector = starting_vector
      print(f"Lowest Cost: Value={lowest_cost_value}, Vector={lowest_cost_vector}, Starting Vector={lowest_cost_starting_vector}, Color={line_colors[i % len(line_colors)]}")


Lowest Cost: Value=1.3919698325898155, Vector=[0.3304394780995701, 0.07838640040339392], Starting Vector=[0.36, 1.92]

我绘制了每次运行的结果,它似乎不正确(粗体红线是我对正确输出的手动估计,而底部的粗体黑线是算法以最低成本进行的最佳尝试): 然而成本函数似乎还不错,最好的成本是 1.39,最差的成本是 16.23:

所有输出似乎在 (0.015, 0.084) 处收敛到接近 (0, 0) 是否有特殊原因?算法输出的解决方案都不能代表数据,而且似乎更高的成本值会产生更准确的梯度,所以我真的不确定我在这里做错了什么。

我的期望是,产生最低成本值的起始向量的输出将是最准确的并且最适合数据。然而,该算法的输出似乎根本无法准确拟合数据,具有一系列梯度但 y 轴截距不正确。

我尝试过调整学习率和随机化初始向量以及手动选择初始向量。我见过关于数据标准化的内容,但我不确定这是否有必要,因为考试分数的值范围仅为 1-100,学习时间的值范围为 1-10。


python linear-regression gradient-descent


@bogovicj 给我设定了正确的方向,在简单的

y = x + 2
中的梯度和 y 截距功能。


error = element - vector[1] - vector[0] * self.feature_data[i]

这使得算法能够按预期工作并正确匹配 Scikit 的 LinearRegression 实现的输出。

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