
问题描述 投票:3回答:4



batch-file cmd alphanumeric non-alphanumeric

MC ND的解决方案有效,但是速度确实很慢(小测试样本需要〜1秒)。

这是由echo "!_buf!"|findstr ...构造引起的,因为管道的每个字符都会创建cmd.exe的两个实例并启动findstr



    set "_input=Th""i\s&& is not good _maybe_???"
    set "_output="
    set "map=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890"

if not defined _input goto endLoop    
for /F "delims=*~ eol=*" %%C in ("!_input:~0,1!") do (
    if "!map:%%C=!" NEQ "!map!" set "_output=!_output!%%C"
set "_input=!_input:~1!"
    goto loop


[goto循环被删除时可能会加快速度。然后,您需要先计算stringLength,然后使用每个字符的FOR / L循环进行迭代。此解决方案比上述方法快6倍,比MC ND解决方案快40倍]

set "_input=Th""i\s&& is not good _maybe_!~*???"
set "_output="
set "map=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890"
%$strLen% len _input

for /L %%n in (0 1 %len%) DO (
    for /F "delims=*~ eol=*" %%C in ("!_input:~%%n,1!") do (
        if "!map:%%C=!" NEQ "!map!" set "_output=!_output!%%C"
exit /b

宏$ strlen可以使用定义

set LF=^

::Above 2 blank lines are required - do not remove
@set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^":::: StrLen pResult pString
set $strLen=for /L %%n in (1 1 2) do if %%n==2 (%\n%
        for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=, " %%1 in ("!argv!") do (%\n%
            set "str=A!%%~2!"%\n%
              set "len=0"%\n%
              for /l %%A in (12,-1,0) do (%\n%
                set /a "len|=1<<%%A"%\n%
                for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A"%\n%
              for %%v in (!len!) do endlocal^&if "%%~b" neq "" (set "%%~1=%%v") else echo %%v%\n%
        ) %\n%
) ELSE setlocal enableDelayedExpansion ^& set argv=,



@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set "_input=Th""i\s&& is not good _maybe_???"
    set "_output="
    if not defined _input goto endLoop
    set "_buf=!_input:~0,1!"
    set "_input=!_input:~1!"
    echo "!_buf!"|findstr /i /r /c:"[a-z 0-9_]" > nul && set "_output=!_output!!_buf!"
    goto loop
    echo !_output!




所以,我们以(sintax适应于此处已回答的内容)] >>

@echo off

    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

    rem Test empty string
    call :doClean "" output
    echo "%output%"

    rem Test mixed strings
    call :doClean "~~asd123#()%%%^"^!^"~~~^"""":^!!!!=asd^>^<bm_1" output
    echo %output%
    call :doClean "Thi\s&& is ;;;;not ^^good _maybe_!~*???" output
    echo %output%

    rem Test clean string
    call :doClean "This is already clean" output
    echo %output%

    rem Test all bad string
    call :doClean "*******//////\\\\\\\()()()()" output
    echo "%output%"

    rem Test long string
    set "zz=Thi\s&& is not ^^good _maybe_!~*??? "
    set "zz=TEST: %zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%%zz%"
    call :doClean "%zz% TEST" output
    echo %output%

    rem Time long string
    echo %time%
    for /l %%# in (1 1 100) do call :doClean "%zz%" output
    echo %time%

    exit /b

rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:doClean input output
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set "map=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890 "
    set "input=%~1"
    set "output="

rem Step 1 - Remove critical delimiters
    for /L %%z in (1 1 10) do (
        for /f tokens^=1^-9^,^*^ delims^=^=^"^"^~^;^,^&^*^%%^:^!^(^)^<^>^^ %%a in ("!input!") do ( 
            set "output=!output!%%a%%b%%c%%d%%e%%f%%g%%h%%i"
            set "input=%%j" 
        if not defined input goto outPurgeCritical
    goto purgeCritical

rem Step 2 - remove any remaining special character
    for /L %%z in (1 1 10) do (
        set "pending="
        for /f "tokens=1,* delims=%map%" %%a in ("!output!") do (
            set "output=!output:%%a=!"
            set "pending=%%b"
        if not defined pending goto outPurgeNormal
    goto purgeNormal

    endlocal & set "%~2=%output%"
    goto :EOF


@echo eof

call :purge "~~asd123#()%%%^"^!^"~~~^:^=asd^>^<bm_1" var
echo (%var%)
goto :eof

:purge StrVar  [RtnVar]
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "str1=%~1"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

for %%a in ( -  ! @ # $ % ^^ ^&  + \ / ^< ^>  . '  [ ] { }  ` ^| ^"  ) do (
   set "str1=!str1:%%a=!"

 rem dealing with some delimiters

 set "str1=!str1:(=!"
 set "str1=!str1:)=!"
 set "str1=!str1:;=!"
 set "str1=!str1:,=!"
 set "str1=!str1:^^=!"
 set "str1=!str1:^~=!"

 set "temp_str=" 
 for %%e in (%str1%) do (
  set "temp_str=!temp_str!%%e"

endlocal & set "str1=%temp_str%"

setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "str1=%str1:!=%"
set "str1=%str1::=%"
set "str1=%str1:^^~=%"

for /f "tokens=* delims=~" %%w in ("%str1%") do set "str1=%%w"

endlocal & set "str1=%str1%"

endlocal &  if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%str1%) else echo %str1%

goto :eof

仍然无法处理~ and =,但是正在处理

EDIT: =现在将被清除编辑:





::: Using this Program:
::: Establish Filepath For the Filter:
::: SET smartFilter=%userprofile%\foldername\smartVerify.bat
::: When Needing User Input:
::: SET "VarName=VariableName"
::: SET "title=TitleForYourInputBox"
::: SET "Default=DefaultValueForYourVariable"
::: CALL "%smartVerify%" %VarName% %title% %Default%

::: Passes the Name of the variable being assigned to the input box, and is used
::: to pass the accepted Value Back to the Variable being Set.

SET testinput=%~1

::: Assign A Title For your Input Box

SET MyTitle=%~2

::: Passes a Default value for the Variable to the Input Box.

SET VariableDefault=%~3

::: Expand testinput to the Name of the Variable to be Assigned, And ensure undefined.

SET %testinput%=

::: Ensure Undefined Value for Input

SET input=


::: Exit Filter once Acceptable Variable is Set

IF DEFINED input GOTO return

::: Create and start VBS script to Launch an Input Box and Store the input to text file for retrieval from this Batch program.

ECHO Dim objFSO 'File System Object
ECHO Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^)
ECHO Dim objTS 'Text Stream Object
ECHO Const ForWriting = 2
ECHO Set objTS = objFSO.OpenTextFile("%userprofile%\inputTest.txt", ForWriting, 
ECHO objTS.Write(InputBox("Please enter a %testinput% to 
ECHO objTS.Close(^)
ECHO Set bjFSO = Nothing 'Destroy the object.
ECHO Set objTS = Nothing 'Destroy the object.
) >GetInput.vbs

START GetInput.vbs

::: Convey Keypress required to Continue After 'OK' selected on Input Box
::: Adjust according to your needs.

ECHO \e[32;1H \e[K \e[32;110H\e[36m(\e[34mN\e[36m)ext\e[32m

::: Pause Required to prevent script form continuing before input has been made.
::: Preferred Option Is to use CHOICE with /T (Timeout Switch) to set a delay, and /D
::: (Default switch) To assign a default, then return to main as your default if Time
::: elapses (After passing through InvInput to close the vbs)

CHOICE /T 20 /C nq /N /D n >nul
IF ERRORLEVEL ==1 GOTO loadinput


::: Insist on user Input prior to attempting to load input.

IF NOT EXIST "%userprofile%\inputTest.txt" GOTO invInput

::: Retrieve variable value created in Input Box

<%userprofile%\inputTest.txt (
SET /P input=

**********”变量的测试从这里开始。 **********

::: Test to ensure Variable defined. Needed here to prevent environment variable not defined message ahead of next test, should the variable not be defined.

IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput

::: Test for Doublequotes and reset variable if present

SET Input | FIND """" >NUL

IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput

::: Test for tilde and reset variable if present

SET Input | FIND "~" >NUL

IF NOT DEFINED input GOTO invInput

::: Test for Spaces. Remark Out if Spaces Permissable.

IF NOT "%input%"=="%input: =%" GOTO invInput

::: Test for all other standard Symbols. Remark out any characters your wish to Permit.

IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:&=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:(=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:)=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:<=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:>=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:{=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:}=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:]=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:[=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:#=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:^=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:+=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:-=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:/=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:\=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:|=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:$=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:!=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:?=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:@=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:'=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:`=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:,=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:.=%" GOTO invInput
IF NOT "%input%"=="%input:;=%" GOTO invInput

GOTO main

**********对变量的测试到此结束。 **********


SET input=

IF EXIST "GetInput.vbs" (
DEL /Q "GetInput.vbs"

::: Conveys To the User that Input is not Acceptable. Adjust According to your needs

ECHO \e[32;1H \e[K \e[32;1H\e[33mInput of a\e[34m %testinput% \e[33mis Required. \e[31mSpaces and Symbols are Not Permitted.\e[32m

::: "%denied%" is the filepath for another batch/vbs script I use to play an audiofile indicating failure. Not required.

::: CALL "%denied%"

:: Terminates the vbs script

taskkill /pid WScript.exe /T >nul

:: Ensure enough time allowed for script to terminate before Relaunching

Timeout 2 >nul

GOTO main


::: assigns the input value to the variable name being validated.

SET %testinput%=%input%

SET input=

IF EXIST "%userprofile%\inputTest.txt" (
DEL /Q "%userprofile%\inputTest.txt"

IF EXIST "GetInput.vbs" (
DEL /Q "GetInput.vbs"


@echo eof

call :purge "~~asd123#()%%%^"^!^"~~~^:^=asd^>^<bm_1" var
echo (%var%)
goto :eof

:purge StrVar  [RtnVar]
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "str1=%~1"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

for %%a in ( -  ! @ # $ % ^^ ^&  + \ / ^< ^>  . '  [ ] { }  ` ^| ^"  ) do (
   set "str1=!str1:%%a=!"

 rem dealing with some delimiters

 set "str1=!str1:(=!"
 set "str1=!str1:)=!"
 set "str1=!str1:;=!"
 set "str1=!str1:,=!"
 set "str1=!str1:^^=!"
 set "str1=!str1:^~=!"

 set "temp_str=" 
 for %%e in (%str1%) do (
  set "temp_str=!temp_str!%%e"

endlocal & set "str1=%temp_str%"

setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "str1=%str1:!=%"
set "str1=%str1::=%"
set "str1=%str1:^^~=%"

for /f "tokens=* delims=~" %%w in ("%str1%") do set "str1=%%w"

endlocal & set "str1=%str1%"

endlocal &  if "%~2" neq "" (set %~2=%str1%) else echo %str1%

goto :eof



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