警告:从不兼容的指针类型“node_t *

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


struct node
    char firstName[50], lastName[50], major[50], classStanding[50];
    bday bd;     // this struct just contains int values of day, month, and year

    struct node* next;
typedef struct node node_t;

struct stats
 // node pointer pointing at the oldest and youngest person in the list
    struct node_t* oldest;
    struct node_t* youngest;

 // holding the number of birthdays in each month (0 = Jan. & 11 = Dec.)
    int numBD[12];
}; typedef struct stats list_stats_t;
list_stats_t getListStats(node_t *head)
    node_t* temp = head;

 // creates object to be returned and initializes it to the first node in a list
    list_stats_t stat;
    node_t* oldest = temp;
    node_t* youngest = temp;

    while (temp != NULL)  // loops through the list to find the oldest and youngest person
     // if current node isn't the oldest, set the oldest to the next node   
        if (isOlder(oldest) == false)
            { oldest = temp->next; }
        if (isOlder(youngest) == false)
            { youngest = temp->next; }

        temp = temp->next;      // next value

 // compiler warnings
    stat.oldest = oldest;
    stat.youngest = youngest;

    return stat;

我期望将 struct stats 中的 node_t 值分配给 getListStats() 中的 node_t 值。没有任何编译器错误,只有警告,但我也希望避免这些错误

c struct variable-assignment


  • struct node
  • node_t

struct node_t

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