SQL 查询 - 根据分数不同的 user_ids

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我有一个带有表的数据库。 该表包含 2 列:user_id(数字)、score(数字)。 在我的表中,我可以有多行具有相同的 user_id / 分数,也可以两者都有。

我想显示 每个分数:

  1. 具有此分数的不同 user_id 的数量是多少
  2. 分数高于或等于当前分数的不同 user_id 的数量是多少
  3. 分数低于当前分数的不同 user_id 的数量是多少
  4. 例如:


分数user_ids 与当前分数user_ids 分数低于user_ids 得分高于或等于110221123111我想避免加入。


这对于窗口函数来说实际上是非常困难的,因为需求中的 DISTINCT 位以及 Spark 不支持 count(distinct ...) over() 的事实。很想知道人们是否有聪明的解决方法,但标准的大锤方法是有效的。
sql apache-spark-sql


""" +-------+-----+ |user_id|score| +-------+-----+ | 100| 1| | 100| 1| | 100| 2| | 200| 3| | 300| 4| | 400| 4| +-------+-----+ """ from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, IntegerType schema = StructType([ StructField("user_id", IntegerType(), True), StructField("score", IntegerType(), True) ]) data = [(100, 1), (100, 1), (100, 2), (200, 3), (300, 4), (400, 4)] df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema) df.show() df.createOrReplaceTempView('your_data')

选项 1:
使用自连接的简单传统方式。使用适当的不等式条件进行自连接并计算外表中的不同 id。

with below_counts as ( select yd1.score, count(distinct yd2.user_id) as count_below from your_data yd1 left join your_data yd2 on yd1.score > yd2.score group by yd1.score), above_counts as ( select yd1.score, count(distinct yd2.user_id) as count_above from your_data yd1 left join your_data yd2 on yd1.score < yd2.score group by yd1.score), equal_counts as ( select yd1.score, count(distinct yd1.user_id) as count_at from your_data yd1 group by yd1.score) select e.score, e.count_at, a.count_above, b.count_below from equal_counts e inner join above_counts a on e.score = a.score inner join below_counts b on e.score = b.score;

选项 2:
Finagle 窗口函数。派生一个切换指示符,指示 user_id 是否是任一方向上的第一次出现。这是为了模拟范围内每个方向的 count(distinct ...) over() 。然后您可以对这个二进制指标求和以获得不同的计数。

行数几乎相同,但我敢打赌,在足够的规模下,性能会比自连接更好。 Spark 可能会很棘手,如果数据量很大,有时 PARTITION BY 1 会将所有数据合并到一个分区,这是一场溢出噩梦。

spark.sql(""" with distinct_user_scores as ( select yd.score, distinct_at.count_at_score, case when row_number() over ( partition by yd.user_id order by yd.score ) = 1 then 1 else 0 end is_first_ascending, case when row_number() over ( partition by yd.user_id order by yd.score desc ) = 1 then 1 else 0 end is_first_descending from your_data yd inner join ( select score, count(distinct user_id) as count_at_score from your_data group by score ) as distinct_at on yd.score = distinct_at.score ) select distinct score, count_at_score as distinct_users_with_score, coalesce( sum(is_first_ascending) over ( partition by 1 order by score range between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding ),0) as distinct_users_with_lower_score, coalesce( sum(is_first_descending) over ( partition by 1 order by score range between 1 following and unbounded following ), 0) as distinct_users_with_higher_score from distinct_user_scores yd order by score""").show()

SELECT s.score, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN u.score < s.score THEN u.user_id END) AS user_lt, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN u.score = s.score THEN u.user_id END) AS user_eq, COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN u.score >= s.score THEN u.user_id END) AS user_ge FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT score FROM your_table ) AS s CROSS JOIN your_table AS u GROUP BY s.score


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