
问题描述 投票:0回答:6

C# 具有:


Dart 是否有类似的东西,但返回当前正在运行的函数以及调用当前运行函数的函数名称的结果。

web reflection dart



var stack = StackTrace.current;
var stackString = "$stack"; // because the only method on StackTrace is toString.

stack_trace 包尝试为您对许多已知的堆栈跟踪格式执行此操作,所以也许:

import "package:stack_trace";
main() {
  print(Trace.current().frames[0].member);  // prints "main" unless minified.


我编写了一个简单的类,它提供了当前函数和调用者函数,还提供了 StackTrace.current 属性中的文件名、行号和列行。


class CustomTrace {
  final StackTrace _trace;

  String fileName;
  String functionName;
  String callerFunctionName;
  int lineNumber;
  int columnNumber;

  CustomTrace(this._trace) {

  String _getFunctionNameFromFrame(String frame) {
    /* Just giving another nickname to the frame */
    var currentTrace = frame;

    /* To get rid off the #number thing, get the index of the first whitespace */
    var indexOfWhiteSpace = currentTrace.indexOf(' ');

    /* Create a substring from the first whitespace index till the end of the string */
    var subStr = currentTrace.substring(indexOfWhiteSpace);

    /* Grab the function name using reg expr */
    var indexOfFunction = subStr.indexOf(RegExp(r'[A-Za-z0-9]'));

    /* Create a new substring from the function name index till the end of string */
    subStr = subStr.substring(indexOfFunction);

    indexOfWhiteSpace = subStr.indexOf(' ');

    /* Create a new substring from start to the first index of a whitespace. This substring gives us the function name */
    subStr = subStr.substring(0, indexOfWhiteSpace);

    return subStr;

  void _parseTrace() {
    /* The trace comes with multiple lines of strings, (each line is also known as a frame), so split the trace's string by lines to get all the frames */
    var frames = this._trace.toString().split("\n");

    /* The first frame is the current function */
    this.functionName = _getFunctionNameFromFrame(frames[0]);

    /* The second frame is the caller function */
    this.callerFunctionName = _getFunctionNameFromFrame(frames[1]);

    /* The first frame has all the information we need */
    var traceString = frames[0];

    /* Search through the string and find the index of the file name by looking for the '.dart' regex */
    var indexOfFileName = traceString.indexOf(RegExp(r'[A-Za-z]+.dart'));

    var fileInfo = traceString.substring(indexOfFileName);

    var listOfInfos = fileInfo.split(":");

    /* Splitting fileInfo by the character ":" separates the file name, the line number and the column counter nicely.
      Example: main.dart:5:12
      To get the file name, we split with ":" and get the first index
      To get the line number, we would have to get the second index
      To get the column number, we would have to get the third index

    this.fileName = listOfInfos[0];
    this.lineNumber = int.parse(listOfInfos[1]);
    var columnStr = listOfInfos[2];
    columnStr = columnStr.replaceFirst(")", "");
    this.columnNumber = int.parse(columnStr);

该类接收 StackTrace 对象并读取其字符串并解析它。


void main() {
  CustomTrace programInfo = CustomTrace(StackTrace.current);

  print("Source file: ${programInfo.fileName}, function: ${programInfo.functionName}, caller function: ${programInfo.callerFunctionName}, current line of code since the instanciation/creation of the custom trace object: ${programInfo.lineNumber}, even the column(yay!): ${programInfo.columnNumber}");

变量 programInfo 现在拥有函数名称、调用者函数名称、行号、列号,甚至当前程序执行的文件名。




这样做的简单好处是您不必安装任何库。我这样做是因为我正在做一个仅使用 Dart 的项目,并且我不想在我的简单项目中添加/安装任何第三方库。只需调用构造函数,您最终将获得一个拥有所有信息的对象。这样做的缺点是,如果 Dart 由于某种原因在将来的某个地方更改了堆栈跟踪的字符串格式,这将不再起作用,但如果这种情况发生,您可以轻松更改此类解析帧的方式*/




class LoggerStackTrace {
  const LoggerStackTrace._({
    required this.functionName,
    required this.callerFunctionName,
    required this.fileName,
    required this.lineNumber,
    required this.columnNumber,

  factory LoggerStackTrace.from(StackTrace trace) {
    final frames = trace.toString().split('\n');
    final functionName = _getFunctionNameFromFrame(frames[0]);
    final callerFunctionName = _getFunctionNameFromFrame(frames[1]);
    final fileInfo = _getFileInfoFromFrame(frames[0]);

    return LoggerStackTrace._(
      functionName: functionName,
      callerFunctionName: callerFunctionName,
      fileName: fileInfo[0],
      lineNumber: int.parse(fileInfo[1]),
      columnNumber: int.parse(fileInfo[2].replaceFirst(')', '')),

  final String functionName;
  final String callerFunctionName;
  final String fileName;
  final int lineNumber;
  final int columnNumber;

  static List<String> _getFileInfoFromFrame(String trace) {
    final indexOfFileName = trace.indexOf(RegExp('[A-Za-z]+.dart'));
    final fileInfo = trace.substring(indexOfFileName);

    return fileInfo.split(':');

  static String _getFunctionNameFromFrame(String trace) {
    final indexOfWhiteSpace = trace.indexOf(' ');
    final subStr = trace.substring(indexOfWhiteSpace);
    final indexOfFunction = subStr.indexOf(RegExp('[A-Za-z0-9]'));

    return subStr
        .substring(0, subStr.substring(indexOfFunction).indexOf(' '));

  String toString() {
    return 'LoggerStackTrace('
        'functionName: $functionName, '
        'callerFunctionName: $callerFunctionName, '
        'fileName: $fileName, '
        'lineNumber: $lineNumber, '
        'columnNumber: $columnNumber)';

import 'dart:mirrors';
MethodMirror methodMirror = reflect(functionOne).function;


这仅适用于 Dart 命令行 VM,但不适用于浏览器或 Flutter,因为不支持反射。

https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/reflectable 这样的代码生成解决方案可能会在反射不可用的情况下起作用。



LuisDev99 的答案不能很好地处理内部方法和匿名 lambda 块,因此我使用了更复杂的正则表达式方法。


  Define regex for each entry in the stack 

  group 0: full line
  group 1: stack index
  group 2: function name
  group 3: package
  group 4: file name
  group 5: line number
  group 6: column number

RegExp regExp = new RegExp(r'^#(\d+) +(.+) +\(package:([^/]+)/(.+\.\w):(\d+):(\d+)\)$');

/* Get the stack as an array of strings */
var frames = StackTrace.current.toString().split("\n");

/* The second entry in the stack is the caller function */
var matches = regExp.allMatches(frames[1])

/* The regex matches each line of the stack only once so only one match */
var match = matches.elementAt(0);

/* Print all groups. Note that "groupCount" doesn't include group 0 (the whole line) */
for (int i = 0; i <= match.groupCount; i++) {
  print("group $i: " + match.group(i));


就我而言,我只需要 Flutter 中调用者的类和函数名称。 我写了一个简单的解析方法如下。

String getCaller(StackTrace currentStack) {
  var stack = currentStack.toString();
  var newLineNum = stack.indexOf("\n", 0);
  var secondLine = stack.substring(newLineNum + 9, newLineNum + 100);
  var endIndex = secondLine.indexOf(" ", 0);
  return secondLine.substring(0, endIndex);

// Call this method in another function
  String caller = getCaller(StackTrace.current);
  debugPrint("$caller ::: RED");


SampleClass.someMethod ::: RED

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