Outlook 访问共享收件箱子文件夹

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我在使用以下代码将 Outlook 电子邮件信息提取到 Excel 中时遇到了一个奇怪的问题。有时代码运行得很好,但有时我会收到 运行时错误

'-2147221233 (8004010f)'
Set objFolder = objMailbox.Folders("Inbox").Folders("ARCHIVE")




Sub EmailStatsV3()
'Working macro for exporting specific sub-folders of a shared inbox
Dim olMail As Variant
Dim aOutput() As Variant
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlSh As Excel.Worksheet
Dim flInbox As Folder

'Gets the mailbox and shared folder inbox
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Operations") 

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objInbox = objNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecipient, olFolderInbox)

'Uses the Parent of the Inbox to specify the mailbox
strFolderName = objInbox.Parent

'Specifies the folder (inbox or other) to pull the info from
Set objMailbox = objNamespace.Folders(strFolderName)
Set objFolder = objMailbox.Folders("Inbox").Folders("ARCHIVE") 'Change this line to specify folder
Set colItems = objFolder.Items

'Specify which email items to extract
ReDim aOutput(1 To objFolder.Items.Count, 1 To 10)
For Each olMail In objFolder.Items
If TypeName(olMail) = "MailItem" Then

        lCnt = lCnt + 1
        aOutput(lCnt, 1) = olMail.SenderEmailAddress 'Sender or SenderName also gives similar output
        aOutput(lCnt, 2) = olMail.ReceivedTime 'stats on when received
        aOutput(lCnt, 3) = olMail.ConversationTopic 'group based on subject w/o regard to prefix
        aOutput(lCnt, 4) = olMail.Subject 'to split out prefix
        aOutput(lCnt, 5) = olMail.Categories 'to split out category
        aOutput(lCnt, 6) = olMail.Sender
        aOutput(lCnt, 7) = olMail.SenderName
        aOutput(lCnt, 8) = olMail.To
        aOutput(lCnt, 9) = olMail.CC
        aOutput(lCnt, 10) = objFolder.Name
End If


'Creates a blank workbook in excel then inputs the info from Outlook
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
Set xlSh = xlApp.Workbooks.Add.Sheets(1)

xlSh.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(aOutput, 1), UBound(aOutput, 2)).Value = aOutput
xlApp.Visible = True

End Sub
vba outlook outlook-2010

我假设您正在从 Outlook 运行代码,请参阅我所做的清理。

Option Explicit
Sub EmailStatsV3()
    Dim Item As Object
    Dim varOutput() As Variant
    Dim lngcount As Long
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
    Dim xlSht As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim ShareInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
    Dim olNs As Outlook.NameSpace
    Dim olRecip As Outlook.Recipient
    Dim SubFolder As Object

    Set olNs = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set olRecip = olNs.CreateRecipient("[email protected]") '// Owner's Name or email address
    Set ShareInbox = olNs.GetSharedDefaultFolder(olRecip, olFolderInbox)
    Set SubFolder = ShareInbox.Folders("Temp") 'Change this line to specify folder

    ReDim varOutput(1 To SubFolder.Items.Count, 1 To 10)

    For Each Item In SubFolder.Items
        If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then
            lngcount = lngcount + 1
            varOutput(lngcount, 1) = Item.SenderEmailAddress 'Sender or SenderName
            varOutput(lngcount, 2) = Item.ReceivedTime 'stats on when received
            varOutput(lngcount, 3) = Item.ConversationTopic 'Conversation subject
            varOutput(lngcount, 4) = Item.Subject 'to split out prefix
            varOutput(lngcount, 5) = Item.Categories 'to split out category
            varOutput(lngcount, 6) = Item.Sender
            varOutput(lngcount, 7) = Item.SenderName
            varOutput(lngcount, 8) = Item.To
            varOutput(lngcount, 9) = Item.CC
            varOutput(lngcount, 10) = SubFolder.Name
        End If

    'Creates a blank workbook in excel
    Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
    Set xlSht = xlApp.Workbooks.Add.Sheets(1)

    xlSht.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(varOutput, 1), _
                             UBound(varOutput, 2)).Value = varOutput
    xlApp.Visible = True

End Sub



Private WithEvents sharedInboxItems As Outlook.Items

Private Sub Application_Startup()

    Dim sharedInbox As Outlook.Folder
    Dim sharedMailboxName As String

    'Name of the shared mailbox
    sharedMailboxName = "Shared Mailbox Name"

    'Get shared inbox folder
    Set sharedInbox = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").Folders(sharedMailboxName).Folders("Inbox")

    'Set sharedInboxItems variable to the items in the shared inbox
    Set sharedInboxItems = sharedInbox.Items

End Sub

Private Sub sharedInboxItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)

'Apply your logic below:
    'Display a message box with the subject of the new email
    MsgBox "You have a new email!! Subject: " & Item.Subject

End Sub
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