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我正在尝试将一个大整数转换为 base58 检查版本,但这适用于小于 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 且大于 1 的特定范围,但我想转换一个大于 1 的非常大的整数 python 当我尝试大整数时,我得到无效的私钥错误


from bitcoin import *
import base58
n = 1157920892373161954235709850086879078532699846656405640394575840079099999999999999
def getPrivateKey(my_integer):
    # Convert the input integer to a 32-byte binary string
    my_binary_string = my_integer.to_bytes(128, byteorder='big')

    # Add the prefix byte and checksum to the binary string
    my_bytes_with_prefix = b"\x80" + my_binary_string
    my_bytes_with_checksum = my_bytes_with_prefix + bin_sha256(bin_sha256(my_bytes_with_prefix))[:4]
    # Encode the binary string as a private key in base58 check format
    my_private_key = base58.b58encode(my_bytes_with_checksum)
    # Convert the public key to an uncompressed address and a compressed address
    #my_integer = 11579208923731619542357098500868790785283756427907490438260516314151816149433
    print("l = ",my_integer)
    public_key = privtopub(my_integer)
    uncompressed_address = pubtoaddr(public_key)
    compressed_public_key = compress(public_key)
    compressed_address = pubtoaddr(compressed_public_key)

    # Write the private key, uncompressed address, and compressed address to a file
    with open("file.txt", "a") as file :
            file.write('My uncompressed address: ' + uncompressed_address + ';')
            file.write('My compressed address: ' + compressed_address + ';')
            file.write('My private key: ' + my_private_key.decode() + '\n')
            #print("Number =  ", my_integer)
            #print("Private key = ",my_private_key.decode())

    return my_private_key
a = getPrivateKey(n)


  raise Exception("Invalid privkey")
Exception: Invalid privkey


python cryptography bitcoin private-key largenumber
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