
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


.mode column
.width 40 20 20 6 10 90
.headers off
select name, datetime("start time","unixepoch","localtime"), datetime("end time","unixepoch","localtime"), "end time"-"start time", "completion status", "failed clients list"
from  "savegroup job"
where datetime("end time","unixepoch","localtime") >= datetime("now", "-6 hours")
and "completion status" like "%failed%";

>= datetime("now", "-6 hours")不起作用。





按照 :-

“unixepoch”修饰符(11)仅在紧跟DDDDDDDDDD格式的时间字符串后才起作用。此修饰符导致DDDDDDDDD不像通常那样被解释为Julian日数,而是解释为Unix Time - 自1970年以来的秒数。如果“unixepoch”修饰符不遵循表达DDDDDDDDDD形式的时间字符串自1970年以来的秒数,或者如果其他修饰符将“unixepoch”修饰符与之前的DDDDDDDDD分开,则行为未定义。对于3.16.0(2017-01-02)之前的SQLite版本,“unixepoch”修饰符仅适用于0000-01-01 00:00:00和5352-11-01 10:52:47之间的日期(unix times of -62167219200至106751991167)。

SQL As Understood By SQLite - Date And Time Functions - Modifiers

例如,考虑以下内容(见评论): -

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'savegroup job';
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'savegroup job' (name TEXT,'start time' TEXT, 'end time' TEXT, 'completion status' TEXT);
INSERT INTO 'savegroup job' VALUES

  -- store values in DDDDDDDDDD format
    ('Name001',strftime('%s','2018-01-01 10:30'),strftime('%s','2018-01-01 12:30'),'this failed'),
    ('Name002',strftime('%s','2018-02-01 10:30'),strftime('%s','2018-02-01 12:30'),'this failed'),
    ('Name003',strftime('%s','2018-03-01 10:30'),strftime('%s','2018-03-01 12:30'),'this failed'),
    ('Name004',strftime('%s','now'),strftime('%s','now','+6 hours'),'this failed'),
    ('Name005',strftime('%s','now','+3 hours'),strftime('%s','now','+14 hours'),'this failed'),

    -- store values in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format 
    ('Name006','2018-01-01 10:30','2018-01-01 12:30','this failed'),
    ('Name007','2018-01-01 10:30','2018-01-01 12:30','this failed'),
    ('Name008','2018-01-01 10:30','2018-01-01 12:30','this failed'),
    ('Name009',datetime('now'),datetime('now','+6 hours'),'this failed'),
    ('Name010',datetime('now','+3 hours'),datetime('now','+14 hours'),'this failed')
-- Show all data
SELECT * FROM 'savegroup job';

-- The query from the question
select name, datetime("start time","unixepoch","localtime"), datetime("end time","unixepoch","localtime"), "end time"-"start time", "completion status", "failed clients list"
from  "savegroup job"
where datetime("end time","unixepoch","localtime") >= datetime("now", "-6 hours")
and "completion status" like "%failed%";


All data :-

enter image description here

Your Query (it does work if the values are store in the correct format) :-

enter image description here


假设问题是列的开始时间和结束时间确实存储值,如“YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”格式(名称为Name006 - Name010的行),则以下查询将起作用: -

-- Modified query from the question
SELECT name, 
    datetime("start time"), 
    datetime("end time"),
    strftime('%s',datetime("end time"))-strftime('%s',datetime("start time")), 
    "completion status", 
    "failed clients list"
FROM  "savegroup job"
-- where strftime('%s',"end time","unixepoch","localtime") >= strftime('%s',"now", "-6 hours") and "completion status" like "%failed%";
WHERE strftime('%s',"end time") >= strftime('%s',datetime('now','-6 hours'))
    AND "completion status" LIKE '%failed%'

导致 :-

enter image description here

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