
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用python构建实用程序以连接到Jira并提取TEST覆盖率。作为此工具的一部分,我要求用户输入用户凭据。该工具等待用户输入,例如输入usid / pwd,一旦成功,然后要求提供Jira查询。然后,它运行查询并提供结果。


在第一个警告本身中<<< [我们如何停止此重试并捕获该警告以提醒用户检查其输入的密码/用户名是否正确?我在try / except块中尝试过,但似乎没有抓住它。

警告:root:从GET https://jira.xxxxxxcom/rest/api/2/serverInfo获得的可恢复错误,将在1.5083078521975724s中重试1/3。错误:401警告:root:从GET https://jira.xxxxxxcom/rest/api/2/serverInfo获得可恢复的错误,将在35.84973140451337s中重试[2/3]。错误:401


pwd=input("Enter Jira credentials") while True: **try:** jira = JIRA(options={'server': 'https://jira.dummy.com', 'verify': False}, basic_auth=(os.getlogin(), pwd)) //executing this line internally retry the same invalid credential many times return jira // returns jira handle to another function to process. break **except JIRAError as e:** if (e.status_code == 401): print("Login to JIRA failed. Check your username and password") pwd = input("Enter your password again to access Jira OR you may close the tool ")

python jira jira-rest-api
while True: pwd=input("Enter Jira credentials") try: jira = JIRA(options={'server': 'https://jira.dummy.com', 'verify': False}, basic_auth=(os.getlogin(), pwd)) //executing this line internally retry the same invalid credential many times return jira // returns jira handle to another function to process. except JIRAError as e: if (e.status_code == 401): print("Login to JIRA failed. Check your username and password") pwd = input("Enter your password again to access Jira OR you may close the tool ")


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