我在用C ++麻烦从功能的用户输入获得,加入到一个数组,并打印该数组

问题描述 投票:0回答:4

我正在学习C ++,我想问用户输入4个数字的功能,然后只需打印阵列。

int getFourNums();
int main(int argc, char** argv){

    int getNums;

    getNums = getFourNums();

    cout << "The array is: " getNums << endl;

int getFourNums(){

    int i;

    int myArray[4];
    cout << "Enter 4 nums: ";
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        cin >> myArray[i];
    return myArray[i];


c++ arrays function user-input

你的根本问题是int getFourNums()只能返回一个整数,而不是他们的数组。接下来的问题是,功能不能因为历史原因返回原始阵列。可以选择对返回std::array,含有该阵列的struct,通过引用传递数组到函数,或返回一个std::vector。我对这个应用程序的偏好是一个std::vector - 它是灵活的,虽然不太一样有效,std::array,你应该默认为std::vector除非你有一个很好的理由,否则。然后,您getNums代码是这样:

std::vector<int> getFourNums() {
    std::vector<int> result;
    cout << "Enter 4 nums: ";
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        int v;
        cin >> v;
    return result;

要打印载体,见this question。我个人的喜好而定了范围为基础的循环在向量;您的口味可能会有所不同。



for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
    cin >> myArray[i];

将结束与i==4。因此,return myArray[i]将超过数组边界和/或然后访问一个未初始化的值,并产生未定义的行为。

主要的问题,然而,就是在C ++中,你会遵循一个非常不同的方法,并使用集合类型,如std::vector不是纯阵列。参见下面的代码示出这一点。希望能帮助到你。

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

std::vector<int> getFourNums(){

    int val;
    std::vector<int> result;
    cout << "Enter 4 nums: ";
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        cin >> val;
    return result;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    std::vector<int> fourNums = getFourNums();
    for (auto i : fourNums) {
        cout << i << endl;


int getFourNums()只会让你因为int返回一个return myArray[i];,而不是整个数组和i == 4是出界。您只能使用范围[0,3]作为评价你的阵列。下面是与代码中的注释一个被整顿的版本。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

// don't do "using namespace std;" since it includes
// a lot of stuff you don't need.

// Here's a function that will return a vector of int's
// It'll behave much like a C style array
// but can have variable length and you can use
// a lot of standard functions on it.

std::vector<int> getNums(size_t count) {

    // The "array" we'll return with "count" number of
    // default constructed int:s (they will all be 0):

    std::vector<int> myArray(count);

    std::cout << "Enter " << count << " nums: ";

    // A range based for loop that will go through
    // all int:s in "myArray". "num" will be
    // a reference to each int in the vector which
    // means that if you change the value of "num",
    // you'll actually change the value in the vector.

    for(int& num : myArray) {
        // read values into the int currently
        // referenced by num

        std::cin >> num;

    // return the vector by value
    return myArray;

// Put main() last so you don't have to forward declare the functions
// it uses

int main() {

    // call getNums with the value 4 to read 4 int:s
    std::vector<int> Nums = getNums(4);

    std::cout << "The array is:";

    // print each int in the vector. There's no need to use
    // a reference to the int:s here since we won't be changing
    // the value in the vector and copying an int is cheap.

    for(int num : Nums) {
        std::cout << " " << num;

    // std::endl is rarely good when you only want to output a newline.
    // It'll flush the buffer with is costly.
    // Make a habit of using "\n" in most cases.

    std::cout << "\n";



int getFourNums()



 void getFourNums(int myArray[]){
    int i;
    cout << "Enter 4 nums: ";
    for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
        cin >> myArray[i];


void printFourNumbers(int array[])
    for(int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; ++i)
        cout << array[i] << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 4;

void getFourNums(int myArray[]);
void printFourNumbers(int array[]);

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    int myArray[SIZE];


void getFourNums(int myArray[]){
    int i;
    cout << "Enter 4 nums: ";
    for(i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){
        cin >> myArray[i];

void printFourNumbers(int array[])
    for(int i = 0 ; i < SIZE ; ++i)
        cout << array[i] << endl;
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