将 TXT 平面文件转换为固定宽度文本的脚本

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我必须将 txt 文件转换为固定宽度的文本文件。我正在学习 powershell,我创建了一个脚本来转换文件,但我对填充有问题(字段之间的空白)


# Define the input and output file paths
$inputFilePath = "C:\Users\Desktop\TEST_2.TXT"
$outputFilePath = "C:\Users\Desktop\TEST_3.TXT"

# Read the content of the input file, excluding the header line
$content = Get-Content $inputFilePath | Select-Object -Skip 1

# Initialize an empty array to store the formatted records
$formattedRecords = @()

# Loop through each line in the input file
foreach ($line in $content) {
    # Split the line into fields based on whitespace (assuming fields are separated by spaces or tabs)
    $fields = $line -split '\s+'

    # Ensure that the line has at least 8 fields
    if ($fields.Length -lt 8) {
        Write-Host "Skipping record due to insufficient fields: $line"

    # Extract the fields
    $recordType = $fields[0]
    $employeeCode = $fields[1]
    $facilityCode = $fields[2]
    # Extract the official school name, considering a maximum length of 80 characters
    $officialFacilitylName = $fields[3..10] -join ' '
    $officialFacilitylName = $officialFacilitylName.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($officialFacilitylName.Length, 80)).PadRight(80)

    # Filler length 15, start 92
    $filler = " " * 15
    $standardReportFlag = $fields[11]
    $transmissionDate = $fields[12]
    # Extract the degree period, considering a maximum length of 80 characters
    $Period = $fields[13]
    $Period = $degreePeriod.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($Period.Length, 80)).PadRight(80)

    # Combine all the fields into a formatted record
    $formattedRecord = "$recordType$employeeCode$facilityCode$officialFacilitylName$filler$standardReportFlag$transmissionDate$Period"

    # Add the formatted record to the array
    $formattedRecords += $formattedRecord

# Write the formatted records to the output file
$formattedRecords | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath

# Output the number of records processed
Write-Host "Conversion complete. Processed $($formattedRecords.Count) records."


B08a12345D1Santa Monica California Y 12012023 FALL2023      


B08a12345D1Santa Monica California      (filler 15 charcters)         Y120120212023
powershell width fixed
  1. 创建数据对象集合,无需填充空格。要求您的收藏可以通过

    $collection | Out-GridView

  2. 使用

    $collection | Format-Table | Out-File



Get-Process | Format-Table -Wrap:$false | Out-File -FilePath S:\scripts\ft.txt

File contents: 

Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName                                                                                                           
-------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------                                                                                                           
    434      30    34848      75760      23,47  20428   1 AdskAccessCore                                                                                                        
    453     103    11320      26120              6300   0 AdskAccessServiceHost                                                                                                 
    739      36    39460     153308      27,80  19528   1 AdskAccessUIHost                                                                                                      
    657      29    53640     149628       0,34  20512   1 AdskAccessUIHost            
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