如何在 ASCII 和字典中找到最大素值?

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我正在编写一个 Python 脚本,该脚本读取文本文件,将其拆分为字符串列表,并计算每个字符串的 ASCII 值之和。我已将这些数据存储在字典中,其中字符串是键,ASCII 和是值。现在,我需要帮助从这本字典中找到最大的素值。任何建议或代码示例将不胜感激!

if __name__ == "__main":
    # Opening the file in read mode with all words in a txt file 
    my_file = open("english FILTERED.ALL.txt", "r") 

    # Reading the file 
    data = my_file.read() 

    # Replacing and splitting the text when newline ('\n') is seen. 
    data_into_list = data.split("\n") 

    # Create a dictionary to store the list values and the ASCII values with them
    result_dict = {}

    # Loop through the list and calculate the sum of ASCII values for each string
    for x in data_into_list:
        ascii_sum = sum(ord(char) for char in x)
        result_dict[x] = ascii_sum

    # Printing the original list
    print("The original list: " + str(data_into_list))

    # Printing the dictionary containing string-sum pairs
    print("String and their ASCII sum: " + str(result_dict))

我已经成功计算出每个字符串的 ASCII 值之和并将它们存储在字典中。然而,我现在正在尝试找到这些总和中最大的素值。


String and their ASCII sum : {'ACM': 209, 'ANSI': 299, 'ASAP': 293, 'ASCII': 361, 'Achilles': 805, 'Ada': 262, 'Afghanistan': 1124, 'Africa': 582, 'African': 692, 'Africans': 807, 'Airedale': 791, 'Alabama': 671, 'Alabamian': 886, 'Alaska': 589, 'Albania': 680, 'Albanian': 790, 'Albanians': 905, 'Alcibiades': 993, 'Alden': 484, 'Algeria': 693}

我正在寻求有关如何从 ASCII 和字典中有效识别最大素数值的指导,因为我想找到字典中最大的素数 ASCII 和。

python dictionary ascii primes


def is_prime(n):
    if n <= 1:
        return False
    if n <= 3:
        return True
    if n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
        return False
    i = 5
    while i * i <= n:
        if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
            return False
        i += 6
    return True


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