解码器进程在尝试停止录制 pycord 时被杀死

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我正在创建一个 discord 机器人,它使用 pycord 在语音通道中记录用户。问题是,当我在 voice_client 上调用 stop_recording 时,它会永远抛出“解码器进程被杀死”。

class VoiceSession():
    A voice session with the bot

    def __init__(self, bot, ctx):
        self.bot = bot
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.channel = ctx.channel
        self.member = ctx.author
        self.history = []
        self.recording = ctx.voice_client.recording
        self.chat_session = ChatGPTSession()
        self.voice_client = ctx.voice_client
        self.audio_queue = asyncio.Queue()
        self.id = random.randint(0, 1000000)
        self.recording_task = None
        self.sink = discord.sinks.MP3Sink()
        self.connections = {}

    def start_recording_task(self):
        self.recording_task = asyncio.create_task(self.recording_loop())

    def stop_recording_task(self):
        if self.recording_task is not None:
            self.recording_task = None

    async def recording_loop(self):
        canspeakagain = True
        while True:
            if not self.recording and canspeakagain:
                await self.start_record(self.ctx)
                canspeakagain = False
            if self.recording and self.voice_client.finished_speaking:
                await asyncio.sleep(1)
                await self.stop_record(self.ctx)

    async def start(self):

    async def stop(self):

    async def start_record(self, ctx):
        voice = ctx.author.voice

        vc = self.voice_client

        self.connections.update({ctx.guild.id: vc})  # Updating the cache with the guild and channel.
            discord.sinks.WaveSink(),  # The sink type to use.
            self.finished_callback,  # What to do once done.
            ctx.channel  # The channel to disconnect from.
        print("started recording")
        self.recording = True

    async def finished_callback(self, sink: discord.sinks, channel: discord.TextChannel, *args):  # Our voice client already passes these in.
        print('callback called')
        recorded_users = [  # A list of recorded users
            for user_id, audio in sink.audio_data.items()
        files = [discord.File(audio.file, f"{user_id}.{sink.encoding}") for user_id, audio in sink.audio_data.items()]  # List down the files.
        await channel.send(f"finished recording audio for: {', '.join(recorded_users)}.", files=files)  # Send a message with the accumulated files.

    async def stop_record(self, ctx):
        if ctx.guild.id in self.connections:
            vc = self.connections[ctx.guild.id]

            del self.connections[ctx.guild.id]
            await ctx.delete()
            await ctx.respond("I am currently not recording here.")


Bot is ready.
started recording
finished speaking
finished speaking
Decoder Process Killed
Decoder Process Killed
Decoder Process Killed
Decoder Process Killed
Decoder Process Killed
Decoder Process Killed


  • 用 asyncio.Task 替换 Thread 以异步运行记录循环。
  • 使用 async with 而不是 try/except 来保证语音 如果出现错误,客户端将正确断开连接。
  • 显示错误出现位置的打印语句。(在执行vc.stop_recording()之后就可以了)
discord bots recording pycord
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