Html 代码不会将用户重定向到 Shoppy 并且在被点击后不会显示自定义域

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我正在开发一个允许用户创建自己的加密货币水龙头的网页。但是,我遇到了一个问题,即代码没有将用户重定向到 Shoppy,也没有在点击后显示自定义域。





Included necessary scripts in my HTML file: I have included jQuery, Bootstrap CSS/JS files, and the Shoppy embed.js file using CDN links. I have verified that the links are correct and that all files are properly loaded.
Verified event listeners: I have added two event listeners for the dropdown menu and "Get Started" button. The dropdown listener checks the selected option and shows/hides the custom domain input field accordingly. Meanwhile, the "Get Started" button listener should redirect the user to the appropriate Shoppy product page based on the selected option. I have checked that the IDs used in the code match those defined in the HTML file and verified the logic inside the event listeners.
Inspected the console log for errors: I have looked at the console log for any errors or warnings, but I could not find anything useful. The console log seemed to show that all scripts were properly loaded.


javascript html jquery redirect bootstrap-modal
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