PostgreSQL 中是否有相当于 SQLite R*Tree 的工具?

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我正在将 SQLite 数据库结构迁移到 PostgreSQL。该 SQLite 数据库使用带有空间索引的 R*Tree 模块来进行快速 3D 边界框搜索。

我没有空间索引和 PostgreSQL 的经验。

我已阅读有关 PostgreSQL GiST 索引的文档,这似乎表明这可以实现类似的功能。但我一直无法找到如何将此功能应用于 3D 边界框检查。

我想不知何故 <@ operator with box and point should do the trick. Can someone elaborate if this intuition is right and provide a small example of how to define a table with spatial 3D data and a query that does a bounding box check?


id x y z
1 0 1 2
2 4 5 6

SELECT id FROM table WHERE x >= 0 AND x <= 2 AND y >= 0 AND y <= 2 AND z >= 0 AND z <= 2

postgresql sqlite 3d spatial

使用 PostGIS,您可以将索引设置为任何其他要点索引 - 默认运算符类根据类型应用。 db<>fiddle 的演示:


create extension postgis;

create table business(
  id int generated by default as identity primary key,
  business_name text,
  x numeric,
  y numeric,
  z numeric,
  t numeric,
  geom geometry(PointZM,4326) generated always as 
      (st_setsrid(st_makepoint(x,y,z,t),4326)) stored);

select setseed(.4);
insert into business (business_name,x,y,z,t)
select 'business_'||n,
from generate_series(1,1e5,1)a(n),
  lateral(select n,   random()*180 x,
                   90-random()*180 y, 
                   50-random()*100 z,
                   50-random()*100 t)b(n1,x,y,z,t);

insert into business(business_name,x,y,z,t) values

设置索引。默认运算符类将仅使用每个几何图形的两个维度来构建 r 树,因此您需要指定

运算符类来处理 n 维几何图形的所有维度:

drop index if exists geom_idx;
create index geom_idx on business using gist(geom gist_geometry_ops_nd);

测试操作,显示索引使用:选择距离参考点最近的 5 个点:

prepare postgis_based as
select id,business_name,x,y,z,t
      ,(select geom from business where id=42)<<->>geom distance 
from business
order by distance
limit 7;

explain analyze execute postgis_based;
execute postgis_based;
Limit  (cost=8.59..9.53 rows=7 width=73) (actual time=0.376..1.411 rows=7 loops=1)
  InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
    ->  Index Scan using business_pkey on business business_1  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=48) (actual time=0.007..0.008 rows=1 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (id = 42)
  ->  Index Scan using geom_idx on business  (cost=0.28..13420.38 rows=100005 width=73) (actual time=0.375..1.408 rows=7 loops=1)
        Order By: (geom <<->> $0)
Planning Time: 0.357 ms
Execution Time: 1.477 ms
id 企业名称 x y z t 距离
42 业务_42 135.913060823458 7.7997970642875 2.93153014852416 13.8754985934873 0
10212 业务_10212 138.015417820462 6.16780328827525 6.99214194619289 17.9070448007494 6.310724334056296
39781 业务_39781 135.825537405277 10.1567444370512 1.08794511732091 19.9058199716022 6.732491586131694
78354 业务_78354 137.145666026389 12.8802423990292 5.95771554931872 17.565112372697 7.078226353070906
74004 业务_74004 131.450844772993 7.42647416532242 -1.66828745462648 17.208767597593 7.233238991206186
43296 业务_43296 139.082823062846 8.30873695673203 3.44753032284635 20.5087372769281 7.387321847582334
95119 业务_95119 130.772860227918 4.31568006546163 2.77471451324465 18.0819978648418 7.5019971132540055
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