
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


# version 330 core
in vec3 mynormal; 
in vec4 myvertex; 

uniform mat4 modelview;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform vec3 color;

const int numLights = 10; 
uniform bool enablelighting; // are we lighting at all (global).
uniform vec4 lightposn[numLights]; // positions of lights 
uniform vec4 lightcolor[numLights]; // colors of lights
uniform int numused;               // number of lights used  

uniform vec4 ambient; 
uniform vec4 diffuse; 
uniform vec4 specular; 
uniform vec4 emission; 
uniform float shininess; 

vec4 ComputeLight (const in vec3 direction, const in vec4 lightcolor, const in vec3 normal, const in vec3 halfvec, const in vec4 mydiffuse, const in vec4 myspecular, const in float myshininess) {

    float nDotL = max(dot(normal, direction), 0.0);
    vec4 diffuse = mydiffuse * lightcolor * nDotL;

    float nDotH = max(dot(normal, halfvec), 0.0);
    vec4 specular = myspecular * lightcolor * pow(nDotH, myshininess);

    return diffuse + specular;

void main (void)
    if (enablelighting) {
        const vec3 eyepos = vec3(0,0,0) ;
        vec4 _mypos = gl_ModelViewMatrix * myvertex ;
        vec3 mypos = / _mypos.w;
        vec3 eyedir = normalize(eyepos - mypos);

        vec3 _normal = (gl_ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose*vec4(mynormal,0.0)).xyz ;
        vec3 normal = normalize(_normal);

        gl_FragColor = ambient;
        for (int i = 0; i < numused; ++i) {
            vec3 light_direction;
            if (lightposn[i].w == 0) {
                light_direction = lightposn[i].xyz;
            } else {
                vec3 light_position = lightposn[i].xyz / lightposn[i].w ;
                light_direction = normalize(light_position - mypos); // no attenuation
            vec3 half = normalize (light_direction + eyedir);
            vec4 col = ComputeLight(light_direction, lightcolor[i], normal, half, diffuse, specular, shininess);
            gl_FragColor += col;
    else gl_FragColor = color ;


Compile Error, Log Below
ERROR: 0:60: Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_ModelViewMatrix'
ERROR: 0:61: Use of undeclared identifier '_mypos'
ERROR: 0:61: Use of undeclared identifier '_mypos'
ERROR: 0:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:64: Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_NormalMatrix'
ERROR: 0:79: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:90: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:101: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:112: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:123: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:134: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:145: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:156: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:167: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:178: Use of undeclared identifier 'mypos'
ERROR: 0:193: Use of undeclared identifier 'eyedirn'
ERROR: 0:196: Use of undeclared identifier 'normal'
ERROR: 0:196: Use of undeclared identifier 'halfy'
ERROR: 0:197: Use of undeclared identifier 'colApp'
ERROR: 0:206: Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_FragColor'
ERROR: 0:208: Use of undeclared identifier 'gl_FragColor'


opengl glsl shader version fragment-shader


您正在使用的着色器是针对固定功能矩阵编写的。这些矩阵在GLSL 3.30中不存在。但是,针对OpenGL 3.3编写的程序也不会提供这些矩阵。它正在使用自己的用户定义数据进行渲染。



  • gl_ModelViewMatrix:这是从模型到照相机的转换矩阵。
  • gl_ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose:这是上面的逆/转置。
  • gl_FragColor:这是此片段要写入的输出颜色。您应该改为声明layout(location = 0) out vec4 someName;变量并写入该变量。
  • gl_NormalMatrix:这是一个用于转换法线的3x3矩阵。 OpenGL的计算方式是通过计算模型视图矩阵的逆/转置。


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