使用回调来识别 3D 绘图上的鼠标选定点,有时只能在另一个 m 文件中作为函数使用,为什么?

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在处理“识别 3D 绘图上的鼠标选定点”问题时,建议使用回调函数来保留绘图上的交互焦点并选择/识别任意数量的点,我遇到了以下奇怪的行为.

唯一错误地使用欧几里德计算的 Matlab“答案”,因此我将其改编为 for Octave 并且我在这里提供了一个更好的 3-D 最小面积解决方案作为完整代码。

我无法弄清楚的是,当我尝试将代码复制到模糊逻辑文件(非功能性的 m 文件)时,它无法工作,并在

Pt = get(handle.a, "CurrentPoint")
==>“句柄无法识别..”处抛出错误。 。” 我将

这里提供的版本与 M 文件作为函数或不一样工作,但是一旦我将它放入包含其他代码的文件中,而不仅仅是简单的向量语句,如果主文件不是“函数”,它就会失败-m-文件”


function Interactive_surf

format short;
handle.a = axes;

Xt = [0 0.71429 1.4286  2.1429  2.8571  3.5714  4.2857  5   5.7143  6.4286  7.1429  7.8571  8.5714  9.2857  10];
Yt = [0 0.71429 1.4286  2.1429  2.8571  3.5714  4.2857  5   5.7143  6.4286  7.1429  7.8571  8.5714  9.2857  10];
Z = [ 6.2518    6.4574  7.0428  8.1286  9.3374  10.149  10.435  10.462  10.435  10.531  11.293  12.839  14.343  14.955  15;
      7.0713    7.2578  7.7689  8.7243  9.7992  10.528  10.786  10.81   10.786  10.542  11.306  12.856  14.362  14.971  15.015;
      8.2585    8.432   9.0076  9.789   10.672  11.272  11.486  11.506  11.486  11.272  11.516  13.118  14.652  15.218  15.247;
      9.7942    9.9353  10.715  12.178  12.698  13.041  13.161  13.172  13.161  13.041  12.698  14.456  16.12   16.419  16.386;
      11.446    11.556  12.295  14.137  16.275  16.06   15.987  15.98   15.987  16.06   16.275  17.449  19.288  18.78   18.699;
      12.902    12.988  13.682  15.392  17.287  18.291  18.598  18.572  18.598  18.877  19.709  21.084  22.69   21.138  21.166;
      13.936    14.007  14.664  16.27   17.992  18.872  19.229  19.401  19.481  19.815  20.77   22.286  23.469  22.158  22.181;
      14.532    14.594  15.229  16.77   18.394  19.207  19.537  19.703  19.781  20.116  21.061  22.519  23.532  22.807  22.827;
      14.819    14.878  15.5    17.01   18.586  19.368  19.686  19.848  19.925  20.26   21.198  22.625  23.602  23.454  23.469;
      14.937    14.993  15.611  17.108  18.665  19.434  19.747  19.907  19.984  20.319  21.253  22.667  23.962  24.001  24.011;
      14.979    15.035  15.652  17.143  18.694  19.457  19.769  19.929  20.005  20.34   21.273  22.682  23.97   24.394  24.396;
      14.995    15.051  15.667  17.157  18.704  19.466  19.777  19.937  20.013  20.348  21.281  22.688  23.973  24.651  24.651;
      15    15.056  15.671  17.161  18.707  19.469  19.78   19.939  20.016  20.351  21.283  22.69   23.974  24.674  24.803;
      15    15.056  15.671  17.161  18.707  19.469  19.78   19.939  20.016  20.351  21.283  22.69   23.974  24.674  24.89;
      15    15.056  15.671  17.161  18.707  19.469  19.78   19.939  20.016  20.351  21.283  22.69   23.974  24.674  24.922];

## Assign raw data to the handle structure
handle.x = Xt;
handle.y = Yt;
handle.z = Z;   ## NOTE the Z-matrix has columns as X-axisvalues and

###  Plot in 3D with CallBack function called
handle.p = surf(handle.x,handle.y,handle.z, 'ButtonDownFcn', {@click});
grid on

function click(src,~)
    ## Get current perpendicular screen vector
    Pt = get(handle.a, "CurrentPoint")

    ###  Sort through every point in the surface to find the smallest Area to the point
    for dy= 1:15
      for dx = 1:15
        surf_Pt(dx, :) = [handle.x(dx) handle.y(dy) handle.z(dy, dx)];

        v1 = surf_Pt(dx, :) - Pt(1,:);         ## Position vectors: line vector end point to
        v2 = surf_Pt(dx, :) - Pt(2,:);         ## existing surface grid points
        X_Prod = cross(v1, v2);               ## Vector Cross product gives normal vector
        Mag_X_Prod = norm(X_Prod);            ## |normal vector|==> Area of //pipehead
        Area(dx, dy)  = 0.5*Mag_X_Prod;       ## Store each area of triangle

    [row, col] = find(Area == min(Area(:)))
    str = 'min_Area = %d';
    str1 = sprintf(str, Area(row, col));

    # Display the selected point on 3D plot.
    # Points on the fence may not generate a label,
    # so rotate the image so as it shows inside the grid, then click.
    formatSpec = "Pt clicked = [%d %d %d]";
    point_text_val = [handle.x(row) handle.y(col) handle.z(col, row)];
    pos_text_z = (handle.z(col, row))+0.2;
    str = sprintf(formatSpec, point_text_val)
    text(handle.x(row), handle.y(col), pos_text_z, str,'FontSize',18)

    ## NOTES
    ## The figure properties "alphamap" would be used to modify the transparency
    ## of the axes frame and allow visiblity of the labels added above that
    ## run off behind the 100%-white fence SADLY
    ##  "Transparency is not yet implemented for figure objects. alphamap is unused"


callback octave





但请注意,Octave 不允许在脚本 M 文件末尾添加本地函数,因此使用时不会定义

。在 MATLAB 中它可以工作,但在 Octave 中不行。在 Octave 中,您必须在使用函数声明之前将其移动到脚本中的某个位置。


function click(handle,src)



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