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    class Store {
        constructor(storeParams) {
            this.products = storeParams.products;

            this.container = document.querySelector('.js-goods');

        renderProducts() {
            const productTemplate = document.querySelector('.js-goods-temp');

            for (let i = 0; i < this.products.length; i++) {
                const item = productTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
                const id = this.products[i].id;
                const titleElem = item.querySelector('.js-title');
                const descrElem = item.querySelector('.js-info');
                const imageElem = item.querySelector('.js-img');
                const priceElem = item.querySelector('.js-price');
                const btnAddElem = item.querySelector('.js-add');

                titleElem.innerHTML = this.products[i].title;
                descrElem.innerHTML = this.products[i].descr;
                imageElem.src = this.products[i].image;
                priceElem.innerHTML = this.products[i].price;
                btnAddElem.setAttribute('data-id', id);

                btnAddElem.addEventListener('click', function () {
                    console.log(this.products[i].id) // When I try to hang an event handler this way, an error is output to the console - see below

goods-item.js:1未捕获的错误:模块构建失败(来自./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):TypeError:G:\ firststep \ store \ src \ components \ goods-item \ goods-item.js:path.inShadow不是一个函数在ReplaceSupers.Function(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules \ babel-helper-replace-supers \ lib \ index.js:50:15)在NodePath._call(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ path \ context.js:53:20)在NodePath.call(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ path \ context.js:40:17)在NodePath.visit(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ path \ context.js:88:12)在TraversalContext.visitQueue(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:112:16)在TraversalContext.visitMultiple(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:79:17)在TraversalContext.visit(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:138:19)在Function.traverse.node(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ index.js:80:17)在NodePath.visit(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ path \ context.js:95:18)在TraversalContext.visitQueue(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:112:16)在TraversalContext.visitSingle(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:84:19)在TraversalContext.visit(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:140:19)在Function.traverse.node(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ index.js:80:17)在NodePath.visit(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ path \ context.js:95:18)在TraversalContext.visitQueue(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:112:16)在TraversalContext.visitMultiple(G:\ firststep \ store \ node_modules @ babel \ traverse \ lib \ context.js:79:17)在评估时(webpack:///./src/components/goods-item/goods-item.js?:1:7)在Object ../ src / components / goods-item / goods-item.js(http://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:96:1)在webpack_requirehttp://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:20:30)在评估时(webpack:///..src/static/js/index.js?:3:18)在Object ../ src / static / js / index.js(http://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:108:1)在webpack_requirehttp://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:20:30)在http://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:84:18http://localhost:9000/js/app.min.js:87:10

javascript webpack ecmascript-6 es6-class



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