R 中.txt 的词频分析未返回预期输出

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
analyze_document <- function(filename) {
  # Read text data
  text <- readLines(filename, encoding = "UTF-8") %>% paste(collapse = " ")
  # Preprocessing
  text <- str_to_lower(text)  # Use stringr's function
  text <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", text)  # Remove punctuation
  tokens <- word_tokenizer(text)
  # Remove stop words
  stopwords <- stopwords("english")
  filtered_tokens <- tokens[!tokens %in% stopwords]
  # Word frequency analysis
  word_counts <- DocumentTermMatrix(Corpus(VectorSource(filtered_tokens))) %>%
      as.matrix() %>%
      apply(1, sum) %>%  # Apply sum to each row (document)
      sort(decreasing = TRUE)

  # Print the top 10 most frequent words and their counts within the function
  print(head(word_counts, 10))  

  # Generate report title
  report_title <- paste("## Word Frequency Analysis for", filename, sep = " ")
  # Generate abstract
  abstract <- paste0("This report summarizes the word frequency distribution in the document ", 
                     filename, ". It aims to identify the most frequently used words ",
                     "excluding common stop words.\n\n")
  # Generate table header
  table_header <- paste("| Word | Frequency |\n", "|---|---| \n")
  # Generate table rows
  table_rows <- sapply(rownames(word_counts), function(word) paste0("| ", word, " | ", word_counts[word], " |\n"))
  # Generate conclusion
  conclusion <- paste0("\nThe table displays the most frequent words after removing stop words. ",
                       "Analyzing word frequency can help identify potentially overused words ",
                       "or repetitive language patterns, aiding in revising and refining the text.\n")
  # Combine report sections
  report <- paste(report_title, abstract, table_header, table_rows, conclusion, sep = "")
  # Return word counts in addition to the report
  return(list(report = report, word_counts = word_counts))

# Define filename with corrected path
filename <- "C:\\Users\\bruh\\OneDrive\\Documents\\dictionary.txt"

# Call the function with the filename
report <- analyze_document(filename)
# Inside the analyze_document function, after sorting the word_counts:

# Print or save the report

# save the report to a text file
write.table(report$word_counts, "word_counts.txt", row.names = TRUE)  # Use write.table for structured data

我正在尝试使用 R 分析文本文档中的词频,但结果并不理想。 代码运行没有错误,但生成的字数只是一个值为 1 的单元素向量。 根据此数据生成的报告是空的。





  • 检查我的 .txt 文件是否确实有单词并且路径是否正确
  • 检查预处理步骤 (小写,删除标点符号)


  • R版本:4.3.3
  • RStudio 2023.12.1+402“海洋风暴”版本(4da58325ffcff29d157d9264087d4b1ab27f7204,2024-01-28)适用于Windows
  • 操作系统:Windows 11 Home,64位操作系统
  • 文档详细信息:2,000+字.txt文件


  1. 什么可能导致字数统计不准确?
  2. 函数的逻辑或代码结构是否有问题?
  3. 任何预处理步骤是否存在潜在问题?
  4. 如何有效调试并找出问题的根本原因?



r nlp

你那里有相当长的 GPT 函数。

在我看来,你的主要问题是获取实际的 tf-idf 值。其余的都是基于它。


library(tidytext) # unnest tokens + tf-idf approach
library(tidylo) # Julia Selige's wonderful log-odds approach

# a dummy tibble with documents and their terms.
function_description <- 
    document = c("abstract", "conclusion"),
    term = c(
      "This report summarizes the word frequency distribution in the document, 
      filename. It aims to identify the most frequently used words, excluding common stop words.",
      "The table displays the most frequent words after removing stop words.,
    Analyzing word frequency can help identify potentially overused words,
    or repetitive language patterns, aiding in revising and refining the text."

function_description %>% 
  unnest_tokens(word, term) %>%  # first unnest tokens to word level
  count(document,word, sort = TRUE) %>%  # then count frequencies
  bind_tf_idf(word, document, n) %>%  # compute tf idf
  tidylo::bind_log_odds(set = document, feature = word, n = n) # compute log odds

R 中的 NLP:https://www.tidytextmining.com/ 在 YouTube 上搜索 Julia Selige。她很棒,有很多 NLP 教程

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