
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

情况并不总是每个单元格中的值(ID)数量相同(至少1,max =几个),这就是为什么使用串联vlookup + left / mid / right的固定版本对我不起作用的原因因此,解决方案最多只能使用3个值。唯一固定的大小是要查找的值的大小(ID-绿色),8个字符(字母+数字)。


example-tablesenter image description here

excel vba vlookup


Function ID_v2(Cell As Range) As String
    ' 035

    Dim Fun         As String           ' function return value
    Dim Sp()        As String           ' array of CSVs of CellVal
    Dim VLRng       As Range            ' the lookup range
    Dim VL          As Variant          ' result of VLookup
    Dim i           As Integer          ' loop counter

    ' this is a range similar to your sample A10:D19
    Set VLRng = ThisWorkbook.Names("Table2").RefersToRange
    Sp = Split(Cell.Cells(1).Value, ",")
    If UBound(Sp) >= 0 Then
        For i = 0 To UBound(Sp)
            On Error Resume Next
            VL = Application.VLookup(Trim(Sp(i)), VLRng, 3, False)
            If Err Then VL = "[ERROR]"
            Fun = Fun & VL & ","
        Next i
        ID_v2 = Left(Fun, Len(Fun) - 1)      ' remove final comma
    End If
End Function


= ID_v2(A3)




Option Explicit

    Sub Cell2List()
        Dim wF As WorksheetFunction: Set wF = Application.WorksheetFunction 'To user Transpose
        Dim i As Range
        Dim j As Range
        Dim s As String: s = "," 'The separator of the list

        'Ask the user for the cell where are the list with the commas
        'Just need to select the cell
        Set i = Application.InputBox("Select just one cell where the values are", "01. Selecte the values", , , , , , 8)

        'Ask the for the separator. If you are completely sure the comma will never change just delete this line
        s = Application.InputBox("Tell me, what is the character separator, just one character! (optional)", "02. Separator (comma semicolon colon or any other char)", , , , , , 2)
        If s = "" Then s = "," 'Verifying...........

        'Ask the user where want to put the list
        'You need to get ready the cells to receive the list.
        'If there any data will be lost, the macro will overwrite anything in the cells
        Set j = Application.InputBox("Select just one cell where the values will go as a list, just one cell!", "03. Selecte the cell", , , , , , 8)

        Dim myArr: myArr = (Split(i.Value, s)) 'Split the list into a Array

        Range(Cells(j.Row, j.Column), Cells(j.Row + UBound(myArr), j.Column)).Value = wF.Transpose(myArr)
        'j.Row is the row of the cell the user selected to put the cell
        'j.Column the same, but the column
        'j.Row + UBound(myArr) =      UBound(myArr) is the total count of elements in the list
        '                            +j.Row
        '                            _______________
        '                            the last cell of the new list!
        'wF.Transpose(myArr) = we need to "flip" the array... Don't worry, but Don't change it!
    End Sub


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