
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

几年前,当我将附加组件发布到Chrome网络商店时,我发布了Google Docs的附加组件。我在主脚本的顶部添加了@OnlyCurrentDoc标记,以缩小权限:该加载项仅需要编辑正在使用的文档,而无需访问Google云端硬盘中的任何其他文档。起初它看起来很棒。现在,附加组件已过渡到GSuite市场,我已经更新并重新发布了该附加组件,但是我开始在Stackdriver Error日志中收到一些通知,提示某些用户“无权执行此操作” 。我将所有需要权限的脚本的调用都保留在[onOpen“函数的范围内,并检查了"e.AuthMode === ScriptApp.AuthMode.Limited || e.AuthMode === ScriptApp.AuthModeFull”。没有任何授权(“ e.AuthMode === ScriptApp.AuthModeNone”),该加载项几乎无法执行任何事情,它只会使用“ DocumentApp.getUi().alert()”发出警报,以使用户知道他们需要授权该附件才能执行任何操作。

所以我想知道,是什么引起“用户无权执行此操作”错误?脚本是否只需要调用“ DocumentApp.getUi()”就需要权限?但是我在文档中看到了一些示例,这些示例说在AuthModeNone的情况下,您仍然可以创建一个基本的侧边栏,不需要用户的任何特定权限,只是这样他们就一无所有。但是在我看来,使用HtmlService创建任何类型的UI(例如补充工具栏或模态)确实需要权限,因此我避免了这种情况,但仍然看到此错误。


完全删除@OnlyCurrentDoc标记(以及GSuite Marketplace中的相对权限范围)是否更简单,所以我可以确定该插件在用户需要时可用于用户?在我看来,通过使用缩小范围来保护用户隐私实际上在授权对话框中创建了一个额外的“需要许可”行,这似乎违反直觉,这似乎使用户似乎不得不授予更多权限,而实际上这意味着正在询问权限。然后,实际上使用附加组件变得更加令人沮丧,使用缩小范围的工具真的值得吗?以下是我本人所看到的屏幕快照,我可以想象许多其他用户正在查看(并且如果体验令用户感到沮丧,则他们可能会为附加组件的信誉评分很差,这只是在试图更加保护他们的隐私!)

after installing the add-on, open a new documentadd-on menu is in fact emptyadd-on is installed but not enabled in documentadd-on manually enabled for documentafter refreshing the document, add-on menu was created this time, and going to "document add-ons" shows that it is enabled for this document; however sometimes this doesn't work and the "Use" button is greyed out!刷新文档后,这次创建了附加菜单,转到“文档附加”显示该文档已启用该菜单。但是有时这不起作用,并且“使用”按钮显示为灰色!


 * @OnlyCurrentDoc

function onInstall(e){

  // Show instructions for usage automatically on first install
  openHelpSidebar(); //This uses the HtmlService to create the sidebar, do we need to check for authorization in order to be able to create and open this sidebar?

  // Add plugin menu to the toolbar (according to AuthMode)


function onOpen(e) {
  if(e && (e.authMode == ScriptApp.AuthMode.LIMITED || e.authMode == ScriptApp.AuthMode.FULL)){
    // Initialize user preferences ONLY after user has granted permission to the Properties Service!
    //set default user properties using propertiesservice if not properties are not set yet
    //and create our menu items
      .addItem(__('Start',locale),         'openMainSidebar')
      .addItem(__('Instructions',locale),  'openHelpSidebar')
      .addItem(__('Send Feedback',locale), 'openSendFeedback')
      .addItem(__('Contribute',locale),    'openContributionModal')

  else{ //if e.AuthMod === ScriptApp.AuthMode.NONE
    //can I create any kind of UI if permissions are NONE? Seems to me that trying to create any kind of menu items that open a sidebar or modal with HtmlService will generate error if permissions are NONE
    DocumentApp.getUi().alert('You must grant the correct permissions in order to use this add-on. To fix this, remove the add-on and install it again, granting the requested permissions.'); //perhaps try refreshing the page first? and try enabling for the document from the "Document add-ons" menu item in the add-ons menu?




google-apps-script scope permissions authorization google-apps-script-addon


  1. [onInstall仅应用于调用onOpen(从G Suite市场安装插件不会创建新文件,而Google阻止了某些操作,例如打开对话框/边栏)]
  2. [onOpen仅应用于创建菜单(通过打开文件调用onOpen时进行其他操作会导致问题)
  3. [onEdit不依赖于编辑事件对象的用户属性。



function onOpen(e) {
  var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createAddonMenu(); // Or DocumentApp.
  if (e && e.authMode == ScriptApp.AuthMode.NONE) {
    // Add a normal menu item (works in all authorization modes).
    menu.addItem('Start workflow', 'startWorkflow');
  } else {
    // Add a menu item based on properties (doesn't work in AuthMode.NONE).
    var properties = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
    var workflowStarted = properties.getProperty('workflowStarted');
    if (workflowStarted) {
      menu.addItem('Check workflow status', 'checkWorkflow');
    } else {
      menu.addItem('Start workflow', 'startWorkflow');
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