我的工作报价计算器返回“ X不是函数”

问题描述 投票:2回答:1



  • 开始时间
  • 结束时间
  • 需要按摩的服务对象数量


[运行时,我的控制台显示错误消息“ timeStr.split不是函数”。我以为.map()方法存在问题,但我尝试解决无济于事。我是JS的新手,可以使用一些帮助。这是代码


    <label for="starttime">Start Time</label><br>
    <input id="starttime" type="time" name="starttime" placeholder="Start time"><br>
    <label for="endtime">End Time</label><br>
    <input id="endtime" type="time" name="endtime" placeholder="End time"><br>
    <label for="clients"># of people needing massage</label><br>
    <input id="clients" type="number" name="clients" id=""><br>
    <input  type="button" value="Submit" id="inputbtn" onclick="calc()">


/*User Inputs*/
        const start = document.getElementById("starttime").value;
        const end = document.getElementById("endtime").value;
        const people = document.getElementById("clients").value;
        let timeStart = new Date("01/02/2020" + start);
        let timeEnd = new Date("01/02/2020"+end);

        const rate = 80;
        const allot = "00:20:00";

        /*Time converter*/

        function convTime(timeStr){
            arr = timeStr.split(":");
            arr = arr.map(Number=> Number);

            let theHours = arr[0];
            let theMinutes = arr[1]/60;
            let timeDec = theHours+theMinutes;

            return timeDec;


        const ogTime = timeEnd - timeStart;
        const givenTime = convTime(ogTime);
        const convAllot = convTime(allot)
        const realTime = people*convAllot;
        const therapists = realTime/givenTime;
        const price = therapists*rate*givenTime;

javascript onclick string-parsing datetime-parsing array.prototype.map
  • 已将用户输入的声明变量移动到Calc()方法中,以在用户插入值之后获取值,而不仅是在文档加载中
  • 使用MomentJs库计算差异日期并获取小时,分钟,...
  • 设置输入仅用于DEMO的默认值

var dateStr = "01/02/2020";
const rate = 80;
const allot = moment(new Date(dateStr)).add("+20m"); // 20 minutes

/*Time converter*/
function convTime(t) {
  t = moment(t);
  let theHours = t.format('h');
  let theMinutes = t.format('mm');
  let timeDec = Number(theHours) + Number(theMinutes);

  return timeDec;

function calc() {
  /*User Inputs*/
  const start = document.getElementById("starttime").value;
  const end = document.getElementById("endtime").value;
  const people = document.getElementById("clients").value;
  var timeStart = new Date(dateStr + " " + start);
  var timeEnd = new Date(dateStr + " " + end);

  const ogTime = moment(timeEnd).diff(timeStart);
  const givenTime = convTime(ogTime);
  const convAllot = convTime(allot);
  const realTime = people * convAllot;
  const therapists = realTime / givenTime;
  const price = therapists * rate * givenTime;


calc(); // call it on load -- remove this if you want onclick only
<label for="starttime">Start Time</label><br>
<input id="starttime" type="time" name="starttime" placeholder="Start time" value="07:00"><br>
<label for="endtime">End Time</label><br>
<input id="endtime" type="time" name="endtime" placeholder="End time" value="08:00"><br>
<label for="clients"># of people needing massage</label><br>
<input id="clients" type="number" name="clients" value="1"><br>
<input type="button" value="Submit" id="inputbtn" onclick="calc()">

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
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