
问题描述 投票:1回答:2

我想用C ++创建一个简单的HTML dom构建器,并决定使用模板化的tag<>类来描述这个标签的类型。

我已经使用其他方法在C ++中创建DOM并取得了一些成功,但是设计不会处理原始字符串,因此移植到模板化类可能会帮助我使用模板特化(tag<plain>)来处理它。


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

namespace web {
enum class attrs { charset, name, content, http_equiv, rel, href, id, src, lang };

using attribute = std::pair<attrs, std::string>;

using attribute_type = std::map<attrs, std::string>;

const auto none = attribute_type{};

enum tag_name { html, head, meta, title, link, body, div, script, plain, p, h1, span };

template <typename... Tags> struct node {
    int increment;
    std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

    explicit node(const int incr, Tags... tggs)
        : increment{incr}, tags{std::make_tuple(tggs...)} {}

template <tag_name T, typename... Tags> struct tag {
    attribute_type attributes;
    std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

    explicit tag(attribute_type atts, Tags... tggs)
        : attributes{atts.begin(), atts.end()}, tags{std::make_tuple(tggs...)} {

template <> struct tag<plain> {
    std::string content;

    explicit tag(std::string val) : content{std::move(val)} {}
} // namespace web

int main() {
    using namespace web;
    node page1{2};
    node page2{2, tag<html>{none}};
    node page3{2, tag<html>{{{attrs::lang, "en"}}}};
    node page4{2, tag<meta>{{{attrs::name, "viewport"},
                                   "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"}}}};
    node page5{2, tag<head>{none}, tag<body>{none}, tag<plain>{"Hello World"}}; // Yet this line still compiles and works as expected...
    node page6{1, tag<span>{none, tag<h1>{none}}}; // error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'tag<html>'


c++ constructor c++17 variadic-templates template-deduction

代码中的问题是,在C ++ 17中引入的演绎指南只能推导出所有模板参数。


node page2{2, tag<html>{none}};





tag<span>{none, tag<h1>{none}}


你可以明显地解决添加make_tag()函数的问题,正如Cruz Jean所建议的那样,但我建议你使用自动演绎指南的另一种解决方案。


template <tag_name>
struct w
 { };


  explicit tag (attribute_type atts)
     : attributes{std::move(atts)}
   { }


  explicit tag (w<T>, attribute_type atts, Tags... tggs)
     : attributes{std::move(atts)}, tags{tggs...}
  { }




 tag{w<html>{}, none}

 tag{w<span>{}, none, tag<h1>{none}}


#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

namespace web
   enum class attrs
    { charset, name, content, http_equiv, rel, href, id, src, lang };

   using attribute = std::pair<attrs, std::string>;

   using attribute_type = std::map<attrs, std::string>;

   const auto none = attribute_type{};

   enum tag_name
    { html, head, meta, title, link, body, div, script, plain, p, h1, span };

   template <typename... Tags>
   struct node
      int increment;
      std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

      explicit node (int const incr, Tags ... tggs)
         : increment{incr}, tags{tggs...}
       { }

   template <tag_name>
   struct w
    { };

   template <tag_name T, typename ... Tags>
   struct tag
      attribute_type attributes;
      std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

      explicit tag (attribute_type atts)
         : attributes{std::move(atts)}
       { }

      explicit tag (w<T>, attribute_type atts, Tags... tggs)
         : attributes{std::move(atts)}, tags{tggs...}
      { }

   template <>
   struct tag<plain>
      std::string content;

      explicit tag (std::string val) : content{std::move(val)}
       { }
 } // namespace web

int main ()
   using namespace web;
   node page1{2};
   node page2{2, tag<html>{none}};
   node page3{2, tag<html>{{{attrs::lang, "en"}}}};
   node page4{2, tag<html>{{{attrs::name, "viewport"},
       {attrs::content, "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"}}}};
   node page5{2, tag<head>{none}, tag<body>{none},
       tag<plain>{"Hello World"}};
   node page6{1, tag{w<span>{}, none, tag<h1>{none}}};


这似乎是模板类类型推导的问题。有一个歧义可以通过一个简单的函数包装器(或C ++ 17演绎指南)来解决。

无论如何,这里你去(这适用于C ++ 17模式下的gcc 8.3):

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

namespace web
    enum class attrs { charset, name, content, http_equiv, rel, href, id, src, lang };

    using attribute = std::pair<attrs, std::string>;

    using attribute_type = std::map<attrs, std::string>;

    const auto none = attribute_type{};

    enum tag_name { html, head, meta, title, link, body, div, script, plain, p, h1, span };

    template <typename... Tags>
    struct node
        int increment;
        std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

        explicit node(const int incr, Tags... tggs) : increment{incr}, tags{tggs...} {}

    template <tag_name T, typename... Tags>
    struct tag
        attribute_type attributes;
        std::tuple<Tags...> tags;

        explicit tag(const attribute_type &atts, Tags... tggs) : attributes(atts), tags(tggs...) {}

    template <>
    struct tag<plain>
        std::string content;

        explicit tag(std::string val) : content(std::move(val)) {}

    template<typename ...Args>
    auto make_node(int incr, Args &&...args)
        return node<std::decay_t<Args>...> ( incr, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
    template<tag_name T, typename ...Args>
    auto make_tag(const attribute_type &atts, Args &&...args)
        return tag<T, std::decay_t<Args>...> ( atts, std::forward<Args>(args)... );
} // namespace web

int main() {
    using namespace web;
    node page1{2};
    node page2{2, tag<html>{none}};
    node page3{2, tag<html>{{{attrs::lang, "en"}}}};
    node page4{2, tag<meta>{{{attrs::name, "viewport"},
                                   "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"}}}};
    node page5{2, tag<head>{none}, tag<body>{none}, tag<plain>{"Hello World"}};
    auto page6 = make_node(1, make_tag<span>(none, make_tag<h1>(none))); // works now - uses our make functions
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