何时将 C++ 中的运算符重载为用户定义数据结构的成员,何时不重载?我完全迷失了

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问题是,我正在学习所有关于向量和 3D 向量等的数学学习目的,并尝试模拟它们的常见操作,以便更好地理解它们的行为。

所以,我买了一本与我略有涉及相同方面的书,但我读到了这本书的作者用 C++ 编写了一个简单的向量结构并得到了一堆重载运算符,其中一些运算符被声明和在结构内部定义,有些则没有。


struct Vector3D
    float x, y, z;

    Vector3D() = default;

    Vector3D(float a, float b, float c)
        x = a;
        y = b;
        z = c;

    Vector3D& operator*=(float s)
        x *= s;
        y *= y;
        z *= z;


    Vector3D& operator/=(float s)
        s = 1.0f / s;

        x *= s;
        y *= s;
        z *= s;


    float& operator[](int i)
        return ((&x)[i]);

    const float& operator[](int i) const
        return ((&x)[i]);

inline Vector3D operator*(const Vector3D& v, float s)
  return (Vector3D(v.x * s, v.y * s, v.z * s));


  Vector3D& operator*=(float s)
        x *= s;
        y *= s;
        z *= s;



inline Vector3D operator*(const Vector3D& v, float s)
  return (Vector3D(v.x * s, v.y * s, v.z * s));





int main()

    float s = 2; //Defining the scalar

    // Invoking the first overloaded operator

    Vector3D vecA(2, 2, 2);

    vecA *= 3;

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        std::cout << vecA[i] << std::endl; // 6, 6, 6 (Worked)

    // Now Invoking the global overloaded operator

    Vector3D vecB(2, 2, 2);

    vecB * s; 

    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        std::cout << vecB[i] << std::endl; // 2, 2, 2 (No change)
c++ math vector-graphics



(s * vec)
(vec * s)


// main.cpp
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

class Vector3D
    enum : std::size_t { zero, one, two, three };
    using value_type = double;
    std::array<value_type, three> v{};
    value_type& x() noexcept { return v[zero]; }
    value_type& y() noexcept { return v[one]; }
    value_type& z() noexcept { return v[two]; }

    value_type const& x() const noexcept { return v[zero]; }
    value_type const& y() const noexcept { return v[one]; }
    value_type const& z() const noexcept { return v[two]; }

     Vector3D() noexcept
        = default;
        value_type const x,
        value_type const y,
        value_type const z) noexcept
        this->x() = x;
        this->y() = y;
        this->z() = z;
     Vector3D& operator*=(value_type const s) noexcept
        // operator*= must be a member function.
        x() *= s;
        y() *= s;
        z() *= s;
        return *this;
    friend  Vector3D operator*(Vector3D v, value_type const s) noexcept
        // Note that v is a value parameter that receives 
        // a copy of its argument. Changing v here, will not 
        // change the original argument used when operator* 
        // is invoked.
        // This function could also be implemented as a 
        // member function (with only one parameter, s).
        // It is common for operator* to be implemented by 
        // calling member function operator*= to do the work.
        return v *= s;
    friend  Vector3D operator*(value_type const s, Vector3D v) noexcept
        // In order to have a symmetric operator*, where s 
        // can appear either first or second, we have to code 
        // a second version of operator*.
        // This function cannot be a member function, because 
        // the first operand, s, is not an object!
        // Note that the two operator* functions use the 
        // "hidden friend" idiom.
        return v *= s;
    Vector3D& operator+=(Vector3D const& that) noexcept
        // operator+= must be a member function.
        x() += that.x();
        y() += that.y();
        z() += that.z();
        return *this;
    friend Vector3D operator+(Vector3D a, Vector3D const& b)
        // operator+ can be implemented either as a 
        // member function (with one parameter), or as 
        // a non-member function (with two parameters).
        // I have chosen to use a non-member function, 
        // so that I can treat the left operand as 
        // a "local" variable.
        // Note that parameter `a` is a value parameter.
        // It receives a copy of its argument.
        // Unlike scalar multiplication, there is no "symmetry" 
        // problem here, so I only need one version of 
        // operator+.
        return a += b;
    std::string to_string() const
        return std::format("[{}, {}, {}]", x(), y(), z());
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (
        std::ostream& ost,
        Vector3D const& v)
        // Another hidden friend.
        ost << v.to_string();
        return ost;
    value_type& operator[](std::size_t const i) noexcept
        // Trap subscripting errors.
        return v.at(i);
    value_type const& operator[](std::size_t const i) const noexcept
        // Trap subscripting errors.
        return v.at(i);
int main()
    Vector3D a{ 1, 2, 3 };
    a *= 2;
    auto b = a * 3;
        << "a     : " << a << "\n"
        << "b     : " << b << "\n"
        << "a + b : " << a + b << "\n\n";
    return 0;
// end file: main.cpp


a     : [2, 4, 6]
b     : [6, 12, 18]
a + b : [8, 16, 24]
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