Powershell:如何获取和导出 NTFS 权限

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我目前一直在使用以下脚本来获取 NTFS 权限。问题是,当涉及到较大的份额时,它会非常占用 RAM。

# Root Share or Root path​
$RootShare = '<\\Share>'
# Gathering files and Directories
$Tree = Get-ChildItem -Path $RootShare -Recurse 
# Gathering NTFS permissions for the RootShare
$NTFS = Get-NTFSAccess -Path $RootShare
# Adding Files and SubDirectories NTFS Permissions
$NTFS += foreach ($Item in $Tree)
    #excluseInherited for a concise report
  Get-NTFSAccess -Path $Item.FullName #-ExcludeInherited #or -ExcludeExplicit
# Export result to a file

$NTFS | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\File.csv' -NoTypeInformation

问题是关于更大的份额,这是非常 RAM 密集型的。我尝试过其他方法,例如将 ACL 附加到 CSV,但我通常会遇到同样的问题。这是因为

$NTFS += foreach ($Item in $Tree)

powershell permissions file-permissions acl ntfs


# Root Share or Root path​
$RootShare = '<\\Share>'

# Start a scriptblock to group commands which are piped to Export-Csv
& {
    # Gathering NTFS permissions for the RootShare.
    # -> becomes implict output of the scriptblock
    Get-NTFSAccess -Path $RootShare

    # Gathering files and Directories. By piping Get-ChildItem
    # to Get-NTFSAccess we save another temporary variable.
    # -> becomes implict output of the scriptblock
    Get-ChildItem -Path $RootShare -Recurse |  
        Get-NTFSAccess #-ExcludeInherited #or -ExcludeExplicit

} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\File.csv' -NoTypeInformation
    # Here we are piping the output of the scriptblock to Export-Csv
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