对BST :: BST()'的未定义引用]

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C:\ Users \ SDRav \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp :(。text + 0x1b):对BST<char>::BST()' C:\Users\SDRav\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x1eb): undefined reference to BST :: insert(char const&)的未定义引用C:\ Users \ SDRav \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp :(。text + 0x228):对BST<char>::traversePreorder(BSTNode<char>*)' C:\Users\SDRav\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x263): undefined reference to BST :: search(char const&)const的未定义引用C:\ Users \ SDRav \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp :(。text + 0x32b):对BST<char>::deleteNode(char const&)' C:\Users\SDRav\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x419): undefined reference to BST :: leafCount(BSTNode *)的未定义引用C:\ Users \ SDRav \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp :(。text + 0x47c):对BST<char>::search(char const&) const' C:\Users\SDRav\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x4d5): undefined reference to BST :: getSiblings(char const&)的未定义引用collect2.exe:错误:ld返回1退出状态



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>
#include "BST.h"
using namespace std;

int main()

    BST<char> op1;
    int action = 0;
    int numInsert = 0;
    char value;

cout<<"-------------------- MENU ----------------------"
        <<endl<<"1. Insert node(s)"
        <<endl<<"2. Traverse Preorder"
        <<endl<<"3. Search BST"
        <<endl<<"4. Delete node"
        <<endl<<"5. Leaf Count"
        <<endl<<"6. Sibling of a node"
        <<endl<<"7. Quit"
        <<endl<<"Please ent

 switch (action)
            case 1:
                cout << "\n How many values would you liek to insert to a BST? ";
                for(int i =0; i<numInsert;i++){
                    cout<<"What value would you like to insert to the list: ";
                    cin >> value;
                    op1.insert(value); //check



我收到这些错误C:\ Users \ SDRav \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ ccCy0RiX.o:driver.cpp :(。text + 0x1b):对BST的未定义引用<:: bst users sdrav appdata local temp cccy0rix.o : ...>] >> [[

#include <iostream> #include "BSTNode.h" using namespace std; #ifndef BINARY #define BINARY template <typename DataType> class BST { public: BST(); // ~BST(); bool empty() const; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check if BST is empty. Precondition: None. Postcondition: Returns true if BST is empty and false otherwise. -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void insert(const DataType & item); void traversePreorder(BSTNode<DataType> * startPoint); bool search(const DataType & item)const; bool deleteNode(const DataType & item); int leafCount(BSTNode<DataType> * startPoint); DataType getSiblings(const DataType & item); private: BSTNode<DataType> * treeRoot; typedef BSTNode<DataType> * BSTNodePointer; void search2(const DataType & item, bool & found, BSTNodePointer & locptr, BSTNodePointer & parent) const; };

c++ binary binary-tree binary-search-tree binary-search
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