Powershell 从 Word 文档中删除图像

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我编写了一个 powershell 脚本,它适用于大多数情况。然而,我遇到了一个文档,图像没有在 powershell 中注册为形状、内联形状、表格中的形状、文本框中的形状。我似乎无法让 powershell 将文档中的图像识别为图像,因此每次删除它时都会丢失它。

是否有另一种方法可以以编程方式从 Word 文档中删除所有图像,因为 powershell 中的“形状”内容似乎有一半时间不起作用。下面是我的代码:

`# 初始化一个变量来存储形状总数 $totalShapeCount = 0

    # Loop through each story range in the document
    foreach ($storyRange in $doc.StoryRanges) {
        # Get the range of the current story
        $currentRange = $storyRange

        # Check if the current story range is not null
        if ($currentRange -ne $null) {
            # Loop through all shapes in the current story range and count them
            $shapeCount = $currentRange.Shapes.Count
            $totalShapeCount += $shapeCount

    # Output the total number of shapes found in the entire document
    Write-Host "Number of shapes found in the entire document: $totalShapeCount"

    # Get the first page range
    $firstPageHeight = $doc.PageSetup.PageHeight - $doc.PageSetup.TopMargin - $doc.PageSetup.BottomMargin
    $firstPageRange = $doc.Range(0, $firstPageHeight)

    # Output the range information for debugging
    Write-Host "First Page Range Start: $($firstPageRange.Start)"
    Write-Host "First Page Range End: $($firstPageRange.End)"

    # Loop through all inline shapes in the first page
    $inlineShapeCount = $firstPageRange.InlineShapes.Count
    Write-Host "Number of inline shapes found on the first page: $inlineShapeCount"
    # Loop through all shapes in the first page
    $shapeCount = $firstPageRange.Shapes.Count
    Write-Host "Number of shapes found on the first page: $shapeCount"

    # Loop through all inline shapes in the first page
    foreach ($shape in $firstPageRange.InlineShapes) {
        # Check if the inline shape is an image
        if ($shape.Type -eq 3) { # 3 corresponds to wdInlineShapePicture
            # Delete the image
            Write-Host "Deleted inline image on the first page"
    # Loop through all shapes in the first page and delete images
    foreach ($shape in $firstPageRange.Shapes) {
        if ($shape.Type -eq "msoPicture") {
            Write-Host "Deleted image on the first page"


powershell automation ms-word


要检查某个形状是否具有您可能视为图像的类型,请将 foreach 循环更改为这样


# wdInlineShapePicture, wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture, wdInlineShapePictureHorizontalLine,
# wdInlineShapeLinkedPictureHorizontalLine, wdInlineShapePictureBullet, 
# wdInlineShapeLockedCanvas, wdInlineShapeSmartArt, wdInlineShapeWebVideo
$inlineImages = 3,4,7,8,9,14,15,16
# Loop through all inline shapes in the first page
foreach ($shape in $firstPageRange.InlineShapes) {
    # Check if the inline shape is an image
    if ($shape.Type -in $inlineImages) {
        # Delete the image
        Write-Host "Deleted inline image on the first page"

# or like this:

# $inlineImages = 3,4,7,8,9,14,15,16
# $firstPageRange.InlineShapes | Where-Object {$inlineImages -contains $_.Type} | 
# ForEach-Object { 
#     $_.Delete()
#     Write-Host "Deleted inline image on the first page"
# }

类似图像的 Mso 形状类型

# msoLinkedPicture, msoPicture, msoMedia, msoCanvas, msoIgxGraphic, 
# msoWebVideo, msoGraphic, msoLinkedGraphic
$msoImages = 11,13,16,20,24,26,28,29
# Loop through all shapes in the first page and delete images
foreach ($shape in $firstPageRange.Shapes) {
    if ($shape.Type -in $msoImages) {
        Write-Host "Deleted image on the first page"

# or like this:

# $msoImages = 11,13,16,20,24,26,28,29
# $firstPageRange.Shapes | Where-Object {$msoImages -contains $_.Type} | 
# ForEach-Object { 
#     $_.Delete()
#     Write-Host "Deleted image on the first page"
# }
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