
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个现有的C#控制台应用程序,该应用程序接受参数并基于参数使用依赖项注入创建市场实例(英国,美国,MX ..)。

每个市场类都执行'string GetData()','string ProcessData()'和'bool ExportData()'。


  1. 'GetData'从数据库中获取记录,
  2. 'ProcessData'用于任何转换或类似操作
  3. 'ExportData'。

不同之处在于Getdata()从数据库中提取记录并映射到一个对象。我打算使用Petapoco。 'ProcessData'可能返回类似的类。 “ Exportdata”当前正在执行API调用,但是对于新供应商,我必须写入文件。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StatusExport.Models;

namespace factorymethod
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClientFactory factory = null;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter client code:");
            string clientCode= Console.ReadLine();
            switch (clientCode.ToLower())
                case "costco":
                    factory = new CostcoFactory("accountname", "taskname");
                    //NEw vendor might be added
                    //case "walmart"
                    //factory = new WalmartFactory("taskname", "type");

            bool status = factory.ProcessData();

    abstract class Client
        public abstract string AccountName { get; }
        public abstract string Task { get; set; }
        //More properties might be added. Some may not even be used by some of the new vendors. For example, Costco Might need accountname and task. Tomorrow if walmart comes, they might not need these two or may need task and a new property 'type'
        public abstract List<T> GetData<T>();
        public abstract List<T> ProcessData<T>();
        public abstract bool ExportData();

    class CostcoClient : Client
        public override string AccountName { get; }
        public override string Task { get; set; }

        public CostcoClient(string accountName, string task)
            AccountName = accountName;
            Task = task;

        public override List<DBRecord> GetData<DBRecord>() //DBRecord class is specific to Costco. 
            List<DBRecord> dbresult = new List<DBRecord>();
            //dbresult = db return data mapped to an object DBRecord using petapoco. Another vendor might have a different class to which DB records are mapped. So the return type can be generic
            return asn;

        public override List<T> ProcessData<T>()
            throw new NotImplementedException(); //Any data transformation or business logic. Return type might be DBRecord or a new class altogether

        public override bool ExportData()
            throw new NotImplementedException();//Call API or write data to file and if success send true else false

    abstract class ClientFactory
        public abstract bool ProcessData();

    class CostcoFactory : ClientFactory
        public string AccountName { get; }
        public string Task { get; set; }
        public CostcoFactory(string accountname, string task)
            AccountName = accountname;
            Task = task;

        public override bool ProcessData()
            CostcoClient gc = new CostcoClient(AccountName, Task);
            var result = gc.GetData<DBRecord>();
            return true;


我还希望使控制台项目独立于供应商项目。因此,对于控制台应用程序,可能是“ StatusExport.Program”。 DLL计划StatusExport.Common来保存每个供应商的接口和抽象类和“ StatusExport.Client(ex:StatusExport.Costco)”。

c# .net design-patterns dependency-injection factory-pattern


public abstract class BaseClient
    #region Properties : Protected

    protected abstract string AccountName { get; }

    protected abstract string Task { get; set; }


    #region Methods : Public

    public abstract BaseGetDataResponseModel GetData(BaseGetDataRequestModel model);

    public abstract BaseProcessDataResponseModel ProcessData(BaseProcessDataRequestModel model);

    public abstract BaseExportDataResponseModel ExportData(BaseExportDataRequestModel model);


public class BaseGetDataResponseModel { }

public class BaseGetDataRequestModel { }

public class BaseProcessDataResponseModel { }

public class BaseProcessDataRequestModel { }

public class BaseExportDataResponseModel { }

public class BaseExportDataRequestModel { }


public class CostcoClient : BaseClient
    #region Properties : Protected

    protected override string AccountName { get; }

    protected override string Task { get; set; }

    protected virtual IDataReader<BaseGetDataRequestModel, BaseGetDataResponseModel> DataReader { get; }

    protected virtual IDataProcessor<CostcoClientProcessDataRequestModel, CostcoClientProcessDataResponseModel> DataProcessor { get; }

    protected virtual IExportDataHandler<CostcoClientExportDataRequestModel, CostcoClientExportDataResponseModel> ExportDataHandler { get; }


    #region Constructors

    public CostcoClient(string accountName, string task)
        AccountName = accountName;
        Task = task;


    #region Methods : Public

    public override BaseGetDataResponseModel GetData(BaseGetDataRequestModel model)
        if (model is CostcoClientGetDataRequestModel clientGetDataRequestModel)
            return DataReader.ReadData(clientGetDataRequestModel);
        return null; //wrong type has passed

    public override BaseProcessDataResponseModel ProcessData(BaseProcessDataRequestModel model)
        if (model is CostcoClientProcessDataRequestModel clientProcessDataRequestModel)
            return DataProcessor.ProcessData(clientProcessDataRequestModel);
        return null;

    public override BaseExportDataResponseModel ExportData(BaseExportDataRequestModel model)
        if (model is CostcoClientExportDataRequestModel clientExportDataRequestModel)
            return ExportDataHandler.Handle(clientExportDataRequestModel);
        return null;


public class CostcoClientGetDataRequestModel : BaseGetDataRequestModel { }

public class CostcoClientGetDataResponseModel : BaseGetDataResponseModel { }

public class CostcoClientProcessDataRequestModel : BaseProcessDataRequestModel { }

public class CostcoClientProcessDataResponseModel : BaseProcessDataResponseModel { }

public class CostcoClientExportDataRequestModel : BaseExportDataRequestModel { }

public class CostcoClientExportDataResponseModel : BaseExportDataResponseModel { }

public interface IDataReader<TIn, TOut>
    public TOut ReadData(TIn model);

public interface IDataProcessor<TIn, TOut>
    public TOut ProcessData(TIn model);

public interface IExportDataHandler<TIn, TOut>
    public TOut Handle(TIn model);

public class CostcoClientDataReader : IDataReader<CostcoClientGetDataRequestModel, CostcoClientGetDataResponseModel>
    public CostcoClientGetDataResponseModel ReadData(CostcoClientGetDataRequestModel model)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    //and so on



public interface IClientFactory
    BaseClient GetClientService(ClientServicesEnum value);

public class BaseClientFactory : IClientFactory
    #region Propertied : Protected

    protected virtual IEnumerable<BaseClient> Services { get; }

    protected string AccountName { get; }

    protected string Task { get; set; }


    #region Constructors

    public BaseClientFactory(IEnumerable<BaseClient> services, string accountname, string task)
        Services = services;
        AccountName = accountname;
        Task = task;


    public BaseClient GetClientService(ClientServicesEnum value)
        => Services.First(x => x.GetType().Equals(GetClientServiceByCode()[value]));

    private Dictionary<ClientServicesEnum, Type> GetClientServiceByCode()
        => new Dictionary<ClientServicesEnum, Type>()
            { ClientServicesEnum.CostcoClient, typeof(CostcoClient) }


public enum ClientServicesEnum
    CostcoClient = 1,
    Another2 = 2,
    Another3 = 3


protected virtual IEnumerable<BaseClient> Services { get; }



        switch (clientCode)
            case 1:
                baseClient = ClientFactory.GetClientService(ClientServicesEnum.CostcoClient);
            case 2:
                baseClient = ClientFactory.GetClientService(ClientServicesEnum.Another2);

        bool status = baseClient.ProcessData(null); //your model
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