sheets 到 docs API 请求访问问题(通过方法:files.copy)

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

( 方法:files.copy )


get_ipython().system('pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client')
get_ipython().system('pip install google-auth==1.35.0')
get_ipython().system('pip install google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.4')
get_ipython().system('pip install googleapiclient.discovery')
get_ipython().system('googleapiclient.errors import HttpError')
get_ipython().system('pip install pandas')

import json
import pandas as pd
import csv
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google.oauth2 import service_account

# ## Download Pygsheets

import pygsheets

# ## Authenticating To A Google Cloud Project With A .JSON Service Account Key

# Using a previously obtained local .json file you can authenticate to your google service account.

with open('credentials.json') as source:
    info = json.load(source)
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info)

# --------------------------------------------------------

# ## Set credentials and Templat Doc ID

credentials_path = '/Users/baker/Desktop/a3/credentials.json'
template_document_id = '12g6okE4Hvr5VCMiGo6Z7szNSp_cZIRafdLHafGdEtRs'

# ## Load credentials from the JSON file

credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( credentials_path, scopes=['', '', ''] )

# ## Define constants and build API services

DOCS_FILE_ID = "12g6okE4Hvr5VCMiGo6Z7szNSp_cZIRafdLHafGdEtRs"
folder_id = '1IWTXGhYhP94MwUj601F7IO_R0ae7wTA7'
SOURCES = ('text', 'sheets')
SOURCE = 'sheets'
COLUMNS = ['to_name', 'to_title', 'to_company', 'to_address']

# ## Build API Services

DRIVE = build('drive', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
DOCS = build('docs', 'v1', credentials=credentials)
SHEETS = build('sheets', 'v4', credentials=credentials)

# ## Create A New Google Sheet + Obtain The Unique ID

# Firstly we are going to create a new google sheet, then we'll obtain the id of that specific google sheet which can be found within the URL:

# ![how to obtain the google sheet id](

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ## Google Sheet Wizardry With Python Commands

# ### Authenticating With Google Sheets With Pyghseets

# Let's see how to successfully authenticate to google sheets with our .json key 

client = pygsheets.authorize(service_account_file='credentials.json')

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ### How To Connect To a Specific Google Sheet

# Now that we've authenticated pygsheets with our google cloud project let's connect to a specific google sheet. 
# In order to do this we will need to grab the URL link and share the spreadsheet.

spreadsheet_url = \

test = spreadsheet_url.split('/d/')
SHEETS_FILE_ID = test[1:][0].split('/edit')[0]

#open a spreadsheet

sheet = client.open_by_key(SHEETS_FILE_ID) #method 1 by selecting by ID Key

# ### How To Select A Specific Google Worksheet

# Let's select the automatically created worksheet called Sheet1:

wks = sheet.worksheet_by_title('FS - JD Salingers')

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ### Accessing Rows & Columns Meta-data

# After uploading a dataframe into a google sheet, you can see how many columns and rows you have with:
# ~~~
# wks.cols # To view the number of columns
# wks.rows # To view the number of rows
# ~~~


# ### How To Get All Of The Google Sheet Values In A Python Format

# We can also get all of the values in a list of lists:

# In[43]:

all_values = wks.get_all_values()

# In my case, notice how this has picked up all of the empty spaces that are located on the right hand side of the worksheet:

# In[ ]:

# A way to quickly remove the empty strings per list would be to do a <strong> nested list comprehension: </strong>

# In[44]:

[[item for item in row if item] for row in all_values]

# In[ ]:

# ------------------------------------------------

# ### How To Get Cell Ranges In Google Sheets With Python

# You can also extract specific ranges (columns and rows) similar to your excel functions:

# In[36]:

cell_range = wks.range('A1:z10',

# In[37]:


# ### How To Get A Single Row For Extracting The Column Headers

# We can get a single row with:
# ~~~ 
# wks.get_row(row, returnas='matrix', include_tailing_empty=False, **kwargs)
# ~~~

# In[45]:

headers = wks.get_row(1, include_tailing_empty=False)

# In[46]:


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ### How To Extract A Single Column

# Sometimes you might want to select a specific column from your worksheet:

# In[47]:


# ### Directly insert the data from Google Sheets into the merged document

# Create a new Google Docs document based on the template document
new_doc_body = {
    'title': 'JD Salinger Finished'
new_doc = DOCS.documents().create(body=new_doc_body).execute()
new_doc_id = new_doc['documentId']

# Create the requests list for batch updating the document
requests = []

# Iterate over each row and add the insertText request to the requests list
for row in all_values[1:]:
    request = {
        'insertText': {
            'location': {
                'index': 1
            'text': f'{row[0]} - {row[1]} - {row[2]} - {row[3]}\n\n'

# Execute the requests to insert the content into the document
DOCS.documents().batchUpdate(documentId=new_doc_id, body={'requests': requests}).execute()

print("Content has been inserted into the new Google Docs document.")

print(f"New Google Docs document created:{new_doc_id}")




Receive the following message:
Content has been inserted into the new Google Docs document.
New Google Docs document created:

从这个角度来看,我的代码看起来运行得很好,但是然后。我访问这些链接,它要求我请求访问权限,尽管我使用同一个 Gmail 帐户执行了前面的所有步骤(即使用同一个 Gmail 帐户构建了所有凭据等)。

python google-drive-api google-docs-api mailmerge


# ## Authenticating To A Google Cloud Project With A .JSON Service Account Key

# Using a previously obtained local .json file you can authenticate to your google service account.

with open('credentials.json') as source:
    info = json.load(source)
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info)

您似乎正在使用服务帐户进行身份验证,因为文件是使用服务帐户作为身份验证方法创建的,文件的所有者很可能是服务帐户本身,如果您有 Google Workspace 帐户,则可以绕过通过使用模拟(确保首先为您的服务帐户设置域范围委派。)

如果您没有 Workspace 帐户,也许更改授权方法会更好,您可以通过 OAuth 2.0 作为特定用户进行身份验证,这确实需要用户更多参与,但它的优点是始终创建使用运行应用程序的用户的凭据编写文档,因为系统将提示他们登录。

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