
问题描述 投票:-1回答:2


Today the auto industry is booming. Automated machines are big part of it and it's working great. They are doing very big autonomous work.



关键字示例:auto, work, the


Today the auto industry is booming. Automated machines are big part of it and it's working great. They are doing very big autonomous work.


Today the auto industry is booming. Auto mated machines are big part of it and it's work ing great. The y are doing very big auto nomous work .

c# split


public static string AddSpacesAroundWords(string text, List<string> words)
    foreach(string word in words) {
        int index = 0;
        while(index < text.Length) {
            index = text.IndexOf(word, index, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            if(index == -1) {
                // no occurrence of this word anymore
            // check if there is a space at the beginning of the word
            if(index > 0 && text[index - 1] != ' ') {
                text = text.Insert(index++ - 1, " ");
            // check if there is a space at the end of the word
            if(index + word.Length < text.Length && text[index + word.Length] != ' ') {
                text = text.Insert(index++ + word.Length, " ");
            index += word.Length;
    return text;


string original = "Today the auto industry is booming. Automated machines are big part of it and it's working great. They are doing very big autonomous work.";
var words = new List<string> { "auto", "work", "the" };
string result = AddSpacesAroundWords(original, words);
// result is now "Today the auto industry is booming. Auto mated machines are big part of it and it's work ing great. The y are doing very big auto nomous work ."



private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    tbKeywords.Text = "auto, work, the";
    textBox1.Text = "Today the auto industry is booming. Automated machines are big part of it and it's working great. They are doing very big autonomous work.";

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    textBox2.Text = AddSpaceAroundWords(textBox1.Text, tbKeywords.Text);        

private string AddSpaceAroundWords(string sentence, string CommaSeparatedKeyWords)
    int index;
    string keyword;
    foreach (string key in CommaSeparatedKeyWords.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
        index = 0;
        keyword = key.Trim();       
        while ((index = sentence.IndexOf(keyword, index, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) != -1)
            if ((index > 0) && (sentence[index - 1] != ' '))
                sentence = sentence.Insert(index++, " ");
            if (((index + keyword.Length) < sentence.Length) && (sentence[index + keyword.Length] != ' ')) {
                sentence = sentence.Insert(index++ + keyword.Length, " ");
            index += keyword.Length;
    return sentence;
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