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def square_solver(board):
    """Remove confirmed values from the possible values in the squares"""
    global possibleBoard
    # Sets up a modulator to multiply by to get the 3x3 grid of one square with the first value being the rows and the second being the column
    blockNum = [0, 0]
    for _ in range(9):
        # A loop that checks the 9 numbers in one of the squares
        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                if not board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y] == " ":  # Checks if that square a number
                    # Checks all the empty spots in one of the squares for that number, then removes them
                    for z in range(3):
                        for w in range(3):
                                # Removes the number from the possible board
                                possibleBoard[(blockNum[0] * 3) + z][(blockNum[1] * 3) + w].remove(
                                    board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[1] * 3) + y])
                            # If it can't do anything, run this
                            except (ValueError, AttributeError):
        blockNum = block_num(blockNum)
    return board
counter = [0] * 9
    blockNum = [0, 0]
    for _ in range(9):
        for x in range(3):
            for y in range(3):
                # Checks the possible board and counts how many time a possible number appears
                if type(possibleBoard[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y]) == list:
                    for z in range(len(possibleBoard[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y])):
                        counter[possibleBoard[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y][z] - 1] += 1
        for x in range(len(counter)):
            # Checks to see if there was any times only one number appeared
            if counter[x] == 1:
                for y in range(3):
                    for z in range(3):
                            # Finds the solo number, and makes that number definite
                            if (x + 1) in possibleBoard[(blockNum[0] * 3) + y][(blockNum[0] * 3) + z]:
                                board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + y][(blockNum[0] * 3) + z] = x + 1
                        except TypeError:
        blockNum = block_num(blockNum)
        # Rests the counter
        counter = [0] * 9

我已经重写了这两部分代码,而且两次都没有解决数独难题。我无法弄清楚出什么问题了,但我认为这可能与board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y]部分有关。


python python-3.x sudoku

您的代码段为board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[0] * 3) + y],所有问题均源于它应该为board[(blockNum[0] * 3) + x][(blockNum[1] * 3) + y]。由于它要对具有相同编号的行和列进行计数,因此只会沿对角线移动。更改这些位置可解决问题。

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