
问题描述 投票:1回答:1


 ● Registers  
    PC – Program Counter  
    Single data register (accumulator) without name  
    We will use symbol A to describe operations on this register  
 ● Stack with an unspecified implementation  
 ● Data specified by name or value  
    More realistic model will follow later 

  Instruction     Action         Description  
  load data       A = data       Load data to accumulator  
  store data      data = A       Store data from accumulator to memory  
  add data        A += data      Add data to accumulator  
  push data                      Push data onto stack  
  call addr       Push PC        Jump and store return trace on the stack 
                  PC = addr
                  Pop PC 
  return          Pop PC         Return – jump to the previously stored trace addr  
  create data                    Allocate data on stack  
  destroy data                   Deallocate data from stack   


● More realistic version of model I  
● Stack explicitly implemented in memory  
● Stack Pointer register - SP  
● Stack operations defined explicitly using SP  
● Allocation and deallocation of local data implemented 
   by changing the value of SP (no data transfer occurs)
● Arguments and local variables accessed by names  
    Still unrealistic  

  Instruction    Action               Description
  load data      A = data             Load data to accumulator (constant or variable)
  store data     data = A             Store data from accumulator to memory
  add data       A += data            Add data to accumulator (constant of variable)
  push data      *--SP = data         Place data on the stack (constant of variable)
  call addr      *--SP = data         Jump storing the return trace on the stack
                 PC = addr            
  return         PC = *SP++           Return to the previously stored trace address
  Create data    SP -= sizeof(data)   Allocate data on the stack
  Destroy data   SP += sizeof(data)   Deallocate data from the stack

上述两张幻灯片是在x86 / MIPS的演讲中提出的。我不太了解。


它是在谈论两种不同处理器(x86 / MIPS)的型号吗?哪一个适合谁?


assembly x86 mips program-counter stack-pointer


第二个模型更明确地说明了堆栈是如何工作的,匹配x86 push / pop / call / ret。这一切都改变了。

MIPS jal将返回地址放入寄存器(链接寄存器$lr是MIPS上32个通用整数寄存器之一)。软件可以手动将其推入堆栈(例如,在非叶功能中),但ISA不知道/不关心它。

MIPS甚至在架构上没有一个“堆栈指针”,它隐含地用于任何事情。 callstack是一种软件约定,虽然非常有用,但基本上所有软件都使用与x86基本相同的方式,只是没有组合修改SP和加载或存储的单个指令。




“堆”记忆是分开的。它通常不是一件事,例如在现代操作系统中,静态和动态分配通常是分开的。但无论如何,像malloc这样的动态堆分配会给你一个指向内存的指针,该指针在add sp, 16之后仍然有效,以及ret来拆除当前函数的堆栈帧。

第二,PC在存储分配方面根本不参与。详细信息仅显示PC作为返回地址读取,并由跳转/调用/ ret指令写入。它也被称为IP,即指令指针。在x86上,32位和64位版本的IP寄存器分别是EIP / RIP。

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