AVCapture:不同手机上的不同相机 FOV

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我正在创建一个应用程序,使相机显示精确的视野。在设置我的 AVCapture 会话时,我使用 device.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView 中提供的 FOV 作为计算的基础。然后,该应用程序使用 videoZoomFactor 按用户指定的数量放大。

我正在使用 13 Pro、13 和 SE 2022 进行测试,所有 3 个都给我略微不同的 FOV,彼此之间的差异在 5-10% 之间。我决定只关注 13 和 13 Pro,因为它们应该具有完全相同的广角镜头。

我从 device.activeFormat.videoFieldOfView 打印了系统报告的 FOV,13 Pro 的 102º 和 13 的 101º。我认为这不足以成为原因,但以防万一我尝试手动设置我的计算两种设备的基准都为 100º。没有区别。

我用 stock Photos 应用程序测试过,照片是一样的,所以我知道我的应用程序出了问题。


func setup() {
    Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("CameraView", owner: self, options: nil)
    contentView.frame = self.bounds
    contentView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
    imageOutputView.backgroundColor = Colors.specLabel
    imageOutputView.clipsToBounds = true
    currentActiveImageWidth = imageOutputWidth.constant
    currentMaskWidth = aspectMaskWidth.constant
    sensorViewForBackground.backgroundColor = Colors.specLabel
    sensorViewForBackground.layer.cornerRadius = imageCornerRadius
    previewLayer.frame = imageOutputView.bounds
    if let previewLayerConnection = previewLayer.connection, previewLayerConnection.isVideoOrientationSupported {
        previewLayerConnection.videoOrientation = .landscapeRight
    if let captureSessionConnection = session!.connections.first, captureSessionConnection.isVideoOrientationSupported {
        captureSessionConnection.videoOrientation = .landscapeRight

func updateUI() {
    var sensor = currentSensorSizeWithAccessories!
    if currentLens.anamorphic == true { sensor.width *= currentSqueezeFactor }
    let sensorAspect = (sensor.aspect)
    let viewWidth = contentView.bounds.width
    let viewHeight = contentView.bounds.height
    viewAspect = Double(viewWidth / viewHeight)
    if viewAspect > sensorAspect {
        // the contentView is wider than the camera sensor. Pin the sensor to the top and bottom.
        sensorBackgroundTop.isActive = true
        sensorBackgroundBottom.isActive = true
        sensorBackgroundLeading.isActive = false
        sensorBackgroundTrailing.isActive = false
        gridHeight.isActive = true
        gridWidth.isActive = false
    } else {
        // the contentView is taller than the camera sensor. Pin the sensor to the sides.
        sensorBackgroundTop.isActive = false
        sensorBackgroundBottom.isActive = false
        sensorBackgroundLeading.isActive = true
        sensorBackgroundTrailing.isActive = true
        gridHeight.isActive = false
        gridWidth.isActive = true
    let newMultiplier = sensorBackgroundAspectConstraint.constraintWithMultiplier(sensorAspect)
    sensorBackgroundAspectConstraint = newMultiplier
    if (imageOutputWidth.constant/imageOutputHeight.constant) > sensorAspect {
        // the phone sensor is wider than the camera sensor
        let previousWidth = aspectMaskWidth.constant
        aspectMaskWidth.constant = imageOutputHeight.constant*sensorAspect
        aspectMaskHeight.constant = imageOutputHeight.constant
        let newWidth = aspectMaskWidth.constant
        let multiplier = newWidth / previousWidth
        currentActiveImageWidth *= multiplier
        currentMaskWidth *= multiplier
    } else {
        // the phone sensor is taller than the camera sensor
        let previousWidth = aspectMaskWidth.constant
        aspectMaskHeight.constant = imageOutputWidth.constant/sensorAspect
        aspectMaskWidth.constant = imageOutputWidth.constant
        let newWidth = aspectMaskWidth.constant
        let multiplier = newWidth / previousWidth
        currentActiveImageWidth *= multiplier
        currentMaskWidth *= multiplier
    // SET SIZE
    DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in
        let radians = phoneCameraHAOV * Float.pi/180.0
        let phoneFocalHorizontal = Double(18.0 / tan(radians/2))
        var activePhoneFocalHorizontal = phoneFocalHorizontal * (Double(aspectMaskWidth.constant)/initialBaseWidth) // this will be a full frame equivalent
        if (imageOutputWidth.constant/imageOutputHeight.constant) > sensorAspect {
            activePhoneFocalHorizontal /= (sensorAspect / (initialBaseWidth/initialBaseHeight))
        let activePhoneSensorWidth = 36 * (Double(aspectMaskWidth.constant)/initialBaseWidth) // this will be a full frame equivalent
        let sensorWidthScaleFactor = activePhoneSensorWidth / sensor.width
        let cineCameraHorizontalFocalEquivalent = currentFocalLength * sensorWidthScaleFactor
        let focalScaleFactor = cineCameraHorizontalFocalEquivalent / activePhoneFocalHorizontal
        var requiredImageWidth = 0.0
        if focalScaleFactor < 1 {
            // transform smaller than backgroundView
            if useVirtualCamera == true && availableVirtualCamera != nil { // it's a multi-lens device and the user wants to use the dual or triple (virtual) camera.
                if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(availableVirtualCamera!, for: .video, position: .back) {
                    try? device.lockForConfiguration()
                    device.videoZoomFactor = 1
            requiredImageWidth = sensorViewForBackground.bounds.width * focalScaleFactor
            currentZoomRange = .belowMinimum
        } else if focalScaleFactor >= 1 && focalScaleFactor <= deviceMaximumZoomFactor {
            // transform to backgroundView width and use zoomFactor
            if useVirtualCamera == true && availableVirtualCamera != nil {
                if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(availableVirtualCamera!, for: .video, position: .back) {
                    try? device.lockForConfiguration()
                    device.videoZoomFactor = focalScaleFactor
            requiredImageWidth = sensorViewForBackground.bounds.width
            currentZoomRange = .withinRange
        } else if focalScaleFactor > deviceMaximumZoomFactor {
            // transform larger than backgroundView
            if useVirtualCamera == true && availableVirtualCamera != nil {
                if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(availableVirtualCamera!, for: .video, position: .back) {
                    try? device.lockForConfiguration()
                    device.videoZoomFactor = deviceMaximumZoomFactor
            let remainingZoomFactor = focalScaleFactor / deviceMaximumZoomFactor
            requiredImageWidth = sensorViewForBackground.bounds.width * remainingZoomFactor
            currentZoomRange = .aboveMaximum
        let finalImageScaleFactor = requiredImageWidth / currentActiveImageWidth
        imageOutputView.transform = imageOutputView.transform.scaledBy(x: finalImageScaleFactor, y: finalImageScaleFactor)
        currentActiveImageWidth *= finalImageScaleFactor
        let maxMaskWidth = sensorViewForBackground.bounds.width
        let requiredMaskWidth = min(maxMaskWidth, requiredImageWidth)
        let finalMaskScaleFactor = requiredMaskWidth / currentMaskWidth
        aspectMask.transform = aspectMask.transform.scaledBy(x: finalMaskScaleFactor, y: finalMaskScaleFactor)
        currentMaskWidth *= finalMaskScaleFactor
        var originalMaskWidthToCurrentImageWidth = initialBaseWidth / currentMaskWidth
        if originalMaskWidthToCurrentImageWidth > 1 { originalMaskWidthToCurrentImageWidth = 1 }
        var cornerRadius = imageCornerRadius
        cornerRadius *= originalMaskWidthToCurrentImageWidth
        aspectMask.layer.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
        aspectMaskContainer.isHidden = false
        imageOutputContainer.layer.mask = aspectMaskContainer.layer
    // ANIMATE
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, delay: 0, usingSpringWithDamping: 0.8, initialSpringVelocity: 0.5, options: [ UIView.AnimationOptions.allowUserInteraction, UIView.AnimationOptions.curveEaseInOut], animations: { [self] in

func takeImage() {
    let photoSettings = AVCapturePhotoSettings.init(format: [AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.jpeg])
    output.capturePhoto(with: photoSettings, delegate: self)

private func checkCameraPermissionsAndSetupCamera() {
    switch AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) {
    case .notDetermined:
        AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video, completionHandler: { [] granted in
            guard granted else {
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
    case .restricted:
    case .denied:
    case .authorized:
    @unknown default:
    func setupCamera() {
        let deviceDiscoverySession = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession(
            deviceTypes: [ .builtInWideAngleCamera, .builtInUltraWideCamera, .builtInTelephotoCamera, .builtInTripleCamera, .builtInDualCamera, .builtInDualWideCamera ],
            mediaType: .video,
            position: .unspecified
        let avCaptureDevices = deviceDiscoverySession.devices.map { $0.deviceType }
        if avCaptureDevices.contains(.builtInTripleCamera) {
            availableVirtualCamera = .builtInTripleCamera
        else if avCaptureDevices.contains(.builtInDualWideCamera) {
            availableVirtualCamera = .builtInDualWideCamera
        else if avCaptureDevices.contains(.builtInDualCamera) {
            availableVirtualCamera = .builtInDualCamera
        // if there is no virtual camera available, the availableVirtualCamera property will remain nil
        if availableVirtualCamera != nil {
            let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(availableVirtualCamera!, for: .video, position: .back)
            deviceSwitchOverFactors = device!.virtualDeviceSwitchOverVideoZoomFactors.map({CGFloat(truncating: $0)})
            deviceMaximumZoomFactor = device!.maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor
        if avCaptureDevices.contains(.builtInUltraWideCamera) { widestDeviceCamera = .builtInUltraWideCamera }
        else { widestDeviceCamera = .builtInWideAngleCamera }
        let session = AVCaptureSession()
        var deviceType: AVCaptureDevice.DeviceType {
            if useVirtualCamera == true && availableVirtualCamera != nil { return availableVirtualCamera! }
            else { return widestDeviceCamera }
        currentDeviceCamera = deviceType
        if let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(deviceType, for: .video, position: .back) {
            do  {
                let input = try AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device)
                if session.canAddInput(input) {
                if session.canAddOutput(output) {
                if session.canAddOutput(movieOutput) {
                previewLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
                try! device.lockForConfiguration()
                defer { device.unlockForConfiguration() }
                previewLayer.session = session
                session.sessionPreset = .photo
                phoneCameraHAOV = 100
                print("^^phoneCameraHAOV \(phoneCameraHAOV)")
                DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated).async {
                self.session = session
            } catch {
                // handle error

func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: Error?) {
    guard let data = photo.fileDataRepresentation() else {
    let image = UIImage(data: data)!
    UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil)
swift avcapturesession
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