Windows Server:无法加载文件或程序集“Ubiety.Dns.Core”

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安装 .NET 应用程序后,我得到:

Could not load file or assembly 'Ubiety.Dns.Core' or one of its dependencies. Strong name signature could not be verified.  The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131045)

奇怪的是,这种情况仅发生在 Windows Server 2012 R2 64 位上。在 Windows 10 Pro 64 位上,没问题。 我觉得我即将深入一个非常乏味的兔子洞。

有谁知道为什么这会在 Windows Server 2012 上触发?

.net windows-server-2012-r2

我将 Ubiety.Dns.Core 从 2.2.2 更新到 4.2.2,现在两者都适用。

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