在 Python 中从大量线段中识别矩形

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我目前面临着检测可以由给定线段集形成的旋转矩形的挑战。总共有大约 5000 条线段,性能成为一个重要问题。


segments = [
    [(0, 0), (10, 0)],
    [(10, 0), (10, 10)],
    [(10, 10), (0, 10)],
    [(0, 10), (0, 0)],


如何有效地确定给定的一组线段是否可以形成旋转的矩形?是否有任何现有的算法或 Python 库可以帮助解决这个问题?


import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

def find_rectangles(segments):
    Finds all rectangles in a list of segments.

      segments: A list of segments.

      A list of rectangles.
    rectangles = []
    segments = np.array(segments)
    for i in tqdm(range(len(segments))):
        l1 = segments[i]
        l2 = None
        l3 = None
        l4 = None
        for j in range(len(segments)):
            if are_perpendicular(l1, segments[j]):
                l2 = segments[j]
        if l2 is None:
        for j in range(len(segments)):
            # l3: Vuong goc voi l2, song song voi l1, ke voi l2
            z =  segments[j]
            if are_parallel(l1, segments[j]) and are_perpendicular(l2, segments[j]):
                l3 = segments[j]
        if l3 is None:
        for j in range(len(segments)):
            # l4: Vuong goc voi l1, song song voi l2, ke voi l3
            if (
                are_perpendicular(l1, segments[j])
                and are_parallel(l2, segments[j])
                and are_perpendicular(l3, segments[j])
                l4 = segments[j]
        if l4 is None:
        lines = np.array([l1, l2, l3, l4])
        points = lines.reshape(-1, 2)
        x = points[:, 0]
        y = points[:, 1]
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)

        rectangles.append(Rectangle(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
        print("Found rectangle: ", rectangles[-1])
    return rectangles

def are_parallel(v1, v2):
    Determines if two segments are parallel.

      segment1: A segment.
      segment2: A segment.

      True if the segments are parallel, False otherwise.
    slope1 = compute_slope(v1)
    slope2 = compute_slope(v2)
    return slope1 == slope2

def are_adjacent(segment1, segment2):
    Determines if two segments are adjacent.

      segment1: A segment.
      segment2: A segment.

      True if the segments are adjacent, False otherwise.
    p1, p2 = segment1
    p3, p4 = segment2
    return (p1 == p3).all() or (p1 == p4).all() or (p2 == p3).all() or (p2 == p4).all()

def compute_slope(seg):
    seg = seg[1] - seg[0]

    angle = np.angle(complex(*(seg)), deg=True)
    return angle

def are_perpendicular(v1, v2):
    Determines if two segments are perpendicular.

      segment1: A segment.
      segment2: A segment.

      True if the segments are perpendicular, False otherwise.
    # Không chùng nhau
    # points = np array shape (-1, 2)
    points = np.array([v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1]])
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = min(points[:, 0]), min(points[:, 1]), max(
        points[:, 0]
    ), max(points[:, 1])
    is_overlap = (xmin == xmax) or (ymin == ymax)
    if is_overlap:
        return False
    # adjacent
    cond2 = are_adjacent(v1, v2)
    if not cond2:
        return False
    # Vuông góc
    s1 = compute_slope(v1) # in degree
    s2 = compute_slope(v2) # in degree
    cond3 = np.abs(s1 - s2) == 90

    return cond3

class Rectangle:
    Represents a rectangle.

      top_left: The top left corner of the rectangle.
      bottom_right: The bottom right corner of the rectangle.

    def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
        Initializes a rectangle.

          top_left: The top left corner of the rectangle.
          bottom_right: The bottom right corner of the rectangle.
        self.top_left = (xmin, ymin)
        self.bottom_right = (xmax, ymax)

    def __str__(self):
        Returns a string representation of the rectangle.

          A string representation of the rectangle.
        return "Rectangle(top_left=({}, {}), bottom_right=({}, {}))".format(

def draw_line(df):
    x = df["x0"].values.tolist() + df["x1"].values.tolist()
    y = df["y0"].values.tolist() + df["y1"].values.tolist()
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)
    w, h = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin
    mat = np.zeros((ymax - ymin + 1, xmax - xmin + 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    df[["x0", "x1"]] = df[["x0", "x1"]] - xmin
    df[["y0", "y1"]] = df[["y0", "y1"]] - ymin
    for x0, y0, x1, y1 in tqdm(df[["x0", "y0", "x1", "y1"]].values.tolist()):
        cv2.line(mat, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (255, 255, 255), 1)
    # cv2.imshow("mat", mat)
    cv2.imwrite("mat.png", mat)
    print('write mat')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    segments = [
                [(0, 0), (10, 0)],
                [(10, 0), (10, 10)],
                [(10, 10), (0, 10)],
                [(0, 10), (0, 0)],
    # Find all rectangles in the list of segments.
    rectangles = find_rectangles(segments)

    # Print the rectangles.
    rects = []
    for rectangle in rectangles:

python algorithm geometry computational-geometry line-segment

对于每一个线段, 将最左端点平移到原点。 现在另一个端点位于象限 I 或 IV, arctan 将为您提供 -90° .. 90° 范围内的角度 θ。 按这些角度进行索引/排序,可能使用 关系数据库管理系统

选择几度的 theta_tolerance,或者理想情况下为零。

现在迭代所有段,按角度排序。 遇到新的 θ 时,抓取所有后续线段 在它的承受范围之内。 现在生成角度 θ ± 90°, 将它们映射回象限 I 和 IV。 抓住与那些角度匹配的所有线段。 看看这些线段是否相交,从而可以形成一个矩形。 (IDK,你的问题规范在这个细节上有点含糊。 也许要求是段 1 的 (x, y) 必须与段 2 的 (x, y) 完全匹配, 在这种情况下,你的问题会容易得多。)

确定了一个矩形后, 将其四个部分标记为“完成” 所以你不要重复计算它 当你再转过 90° 时。

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