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In tcl/tk, how to bind <Double-1>  to tablelist and get the selected row contents ?

< Double-1 > 代表鼠标按钮 - 1 在 tcl/tk 命令 bind 中双击。对于惯用右手的人来说,默认情况下,Button-1 是鼠标左键。


bind double-click tcltk

假设您有一份学生名单。在这里,您将它们放入表列表 .students_tablelist 中。阅读下面的代码以了解它是如何完成的。

 package require tablelist    
 proc display_selected_student { } {
      #fill the body of this proc with the what should happen on double click 
      # we are going to give an example here on how to extract the field in the selected row
        set selected_tablelist_row_contents [.students_tablelist get [.students_tablelist curselection] ]
        set student_id [ lindex   $selected_tablelist_row_contents 0 ]
        set student_name [ lindex $selected_tablelist_row_contents 1 ]
        set student_enrollment_date [ lindex $selected_tablelist_row_contents 2 ]

        #printing the three variables above on terminal/command line prompt screen
        # and in a message box
        puts "Student ID: $student_id , Student Name: $student_name , Enrollemnt Date: $student_enrollment_date"
        tk_messageBox -message "Student ID: $student_id , Student Name: $student_name , Enrollemnt Date: $student_enrollment_date"

 #define the tablelist called ".students_tablelist" 
 tablelist::tablelist .students_tablelist -columntitles { "Student ID"  "Student Name"  "Enrollment Date" } -stretch all -background white -height 15 -width 100 

 #some data about a list of students 
 set student_table_data {
       { 1 john 1-march-2024}
       {2 mary 2-march-2024}
       { 3 solo 3-march-2024} 

#fill the tablelist with the three rows from $students_table_data
foreach row $student_table_data {   
  .students_tablelist insert end $row

#this bind command is how you attach a mouse double click event to the tablelist
bind [ .students_tablelist bodytag] <Double-1>   {
    #call the proc above and run it.
   #display the tablelist .students_table on the main root window
   grid .students_table -row 0 -column 0
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