
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



perform(engine: Engine, entity: Entity) {
    const destX = entity.x + this.dx;   //}calculates player destination
    const destY = entity.y + this.dy;   //}

    //----------------------------------player's turn-----------------------

    if (!engine.gameMap.isInBounds(destX, destY)) return;       //checks destination, if not in bounds: return
    if (!engine.gameMap.tiles[destY][destX].walkable) return;   //checks destination, if not on walkable tile: return
    if (engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY) !== null && engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY) !== undefined) {
        entity.h = entity.h - engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY)?.attk
        console.log(entity.name + " attacks " + engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY)?.name + " for " + entity.attk + " damage")
        entityTurn();   //enemy turn
    } else {     //^checks destination, if occupied by an entity: attack
        entity.move(this.dx, this.dy);      //if not attacking, move
        console.log(entity.name + " moves to " + entity.x + ", " + entity.y)
        entityTurn();   //enemy turn
    //----------------------------------enemy's turn------------------------
    function entityTurn() {
        engine.entities.forEach((e) => {        //enemy pathfinding (enemies can move diagonally)
            if (e.name !== 'player') {                 //every entity other than the player
                console.log("-----" + e.name + "'s turn-----")
                const distanceToPlayer = Math.abs(e.x - engine.player.x) + Math.abs(e.y - engine.player.y);
                const dirX = Math.sign(engine.player.x - e.x);  //}maths to calculate difference in position from player. math.sign returns -1 if negative, 0 if 0, 1 if positive
                const dirY = Math.sign(engine.player.y - e.y);  //}
                if (distanceToPlayer < 10) {
                    console.log(e.name + " sees player")
                    if (!engine.gameMap.isInBounds(destX, destY)) { console.log("not in bounds"); return };                         //checks destination, if not in bounds: return
                    if (!engine.gameMap.tiles[destY][destX].walkable) { console.log("tile not walkable"); return };                 //checks destination, if not on walkable tile: return
                    if (engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY) !== null && engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY) !== undefined) {    //checks destination, if occupied by an entity: return
                        console.log("space occupied by " + engine.entityAtPosition(destX, destY)?.name); return
                    e.move(dirX, dirY);
                    console.log(e.name + " moves to " + e.x + ", " + e.y)
        console.log("-----player's turn-----")
entityAtPosition(x: number, y: number): Entity | null {
    return this.entities.find((e) => e.x === x && e.y === y) || null;
typescript if-statement


我最好的猜测是,您没有正确计算 destX 和 destY,因为当您在调用 [ 的同时监听 keyDown、keyUp 或事件时,this.dx 和 this.dy 在某些情况下显示为 0执行]功能。当 this.dx 和 this.dy 为 0 时,它可以解释为什么 [entityAtPosition] 函数不断查找并返回你的玩家作为返回值,这也可以解释为什么第 9 行的长 [if] 语句的计算结果为 true,导致 [entityTurn] 中的其余代码正确运行,直到出现您在第 31 行提出的问题。


如果发生了一些奇怪的事情,我的猜测是正确的,那么解决问题的方法可能涉及将 this.dx 替换为 keydown/keyup/无论事件的预期方向在 x 和 y 方向上的增量,例如'w' 对应于 {x, (y-1)},'a' 对应于 {(x-1), y},'s' 对应于... 我不认为知道您的键绑定设计。

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