Google Cloud Vision - 图像批量注释请求算作一次事务还是与批次中的图像一样多?

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我有一个从视频中检索帧的应用程序,这些帧很多。我想使用批量图像标注来优化性能,但它是否也具有成本效益? 批量图像注释http请求= 1个事务或批次中的图像数量?

我目前正在使用谷歌云视觉网络检测功能,该功能会发送所有图像的单独 api 请求,它对我来说效果很好。但我正在寻找更具成本效益的选择。

exports.analyzemultipleFrames = async fileList => {
    let cloudVisionFrames = [];

    const filteredFramesToVision = fileList.filter((file, index) => {
        let filterFrame = false;
        if (index % appConstants.frameCountAnalyse == 0) {
            filterFrame = true;
        return filterFrame;
    const analyzeFramesPromise = await file => {
        const imageAnalysisout = await analyzeFrame(file.fullPath);
        return imageAnalysisout;

    const frameAnalysisResult = await Promise.all(analyzeFramesPromise);

    return {
        cloudVisionFrames: cloudVisionFrames,
        frameAnalysisResult: frameAnalysisResult

exports.analyzeResubmittedFrames = async (framesArr) => {
    let cloudVisionFrames = [];
    const analyzeFramesPromise = await file => {
        const imageAnalysisout = await analyzeSingleFrame(file);
        return imageAnalysisout;

    const frameAnalysisResult = await Promise.all(analyzeFramesPromise);

    return {
        cloudVisionFrames: cloudVisionFrames,
        frameAnalysisResult: frameAnalysisResult

async function analyzeFrame(file) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
    return new Promise(async resolve => {
        fs.readFile(file, async (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                resolve({ frameAnalysis: {}, frame: file });
            let base64String = Buffer.from(data).toString("base64");
            let request = {
                image: { content: base64String },
                features: appConstants.cloudVisionFeatures

            try {
                const [result] = await visionAnnotateClient.annotateImage(request);
                resolve({ frameAnalysis: result, frame: file });
            } catch (err) {
                logger("Vision Error" + err);
                resolve({ frameAnalysis: {}, frame: file });
            //implement google cloud vision logic to getch files

async function analyzeSingleFrame(file) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor
    return new Promise(async resolve => {
        let request = {
            image: { source: { imageUri: file } },
            features: appConstants.cloudVisionFeatures

        try {
            const [result] = await visionAnnotateClient.annotateImage(request);
            resolve({ frameAnalysis: result, frame: file });
        } catch (err) {
            logger("Single Frame Vision ERROR" + err);
            resolve({ frameAnalysis: {}, frame: file });
        //implement google cloud vision logic to getch files


发送到 API 的每张图片均需付费。

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